OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17

So in November I ordered 2 strains that Aurora recalled last week (that was bought from Organigram). I didn't think much of it until I did some research last night and found all this shit about bifenazate and myclobutanil which when burned turns to hydrogen cyanide.

We'll around the end of November I've been in and out of the doctors, complaining about chest pain. They did blood work, xrays and hooked me up to some heart monitoring machine and found nothing. The doctor told me it was just anxiety. I've had anxiety my entire life but never experienced panic attacks as bad as I was (collapse once after I felt like I couldn't breathe). Anyway doctor prescribed me a benzo that I'm not to found of and ended up in a car accident. Up until now and this very moment I have this slight discomfort still that seems like it's my lungs, it doesn't go away. Some days it's bad, some days it's ok.

Idk if I'm over reacting but it seems ever since i smoked the 2 strains in November, I've been having these chest pains. I'm seeing my doctor this morning and going to be bringing up this type 2 recall and seeing what he says about it, and if it's related, the cause of my everyday chest pain now. I have anxiety right now and feel like cancelling my appointment because I don't want to be looked at like I'm dumb but this shit everyone is talking about sounds serious and it all makes sense doesn't it?

Sorry for the story, I just joined to share my thoughts on this and the effects it "may" have caused me.
Welcome fireitup shitty the crap aurora has pulled. Keep your chin up. Branch McMaster law firm does class action law suits and normally at no charge until they win in court then they take a percentage of the awarded damages. They are the law firm handling the mmar hc mailouts
If I had health issues that I personally linked to consuming an unsafe product, I may not wait for a class action. You can find a lawyer who will work on a percentage of the settlement...usually 25 - 30% and don't pay until you settle. You may be the case that starts the class action. There are organizations that will provide free legal advice in most provinces, start asking questions.
I don't know if your health issues are directly related or not, but by the sounds of it, either do the doctors. It could very well be just anxiety....let's hope it is, but you need to protect yourself against the 'worst-case' IMO.
Chris has some good advice for you DONT sit and wait for some class action to may or may not happen you can always join that later. immediately start looking for a personal injury lawyer that does product liability work and who will take a percentage if he wins the case for you you have done the important work so far which is documemting your case and seeking medical treatment all these records will come into play
do find a lawyer please and keep seeing your doctor and getting treatment your lawyer will tell you to keep going to doctors until such time as this can all be worked out, dont settle fast or cheap your health is all you have...
This law firm I have contacted hasn't called me back yet... Most lawyers don't seem interested i seems so far.

I could tell it was shit weed from the first order, thats why i have so much left!
unfortunately many lawyers are lazy and want a slam dunk, also theres probably a stigma some are feeling towards a medical marijuana case keep documenting and seeing medical professionals until you get a medical report that associates your symptoms directly to the tainted weed,, eventually one will step up to the plate when they see its a big enough case heck maybe even turmel would be interested he is very good at navigating legal ese
This law firm I have contacted hasn't called me back yet... Most lawyers don't seem interested i seems so far.

I could tell it was shit weed from the first order, thats why i have so much left!
Might need to lurk lawyer websites for that hippy looking one lol... the one with the man bun ... seriously though
Might need to lurk lawyer websites for that hippy looking one lol... the one with the man bun ... seriously though
I resent the insinuation...I look perfectly normal......see............
This is me in my Sunday going to church duds...
Give this guy a few days and see what happens. Fuck the govt/media are good at making this quiet.

I guess how many effected even want to admit to using MMJ legally let alone be in a lawsuit for it.