OrganiGram open for registration

it doesn't have to be a positive review, if u had a bad experience with any LP u can write a detailed negative review and still get 5 bucks since its detailed.. and Lift is the one providing the points and paying for your discount, theyre a 3rd party not related to HC
So lift doesn't accept money from lp's? And they somehow pay for your discount? Nope sound like a lot of collusion that's being protected under the guise of independence.
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it doesn't have to be a positive review, if u had a bad experience with any LP u can write a detailed negative review and still get 5 bucks since its detailed.. and Lift is the one providing the points and paying for your discount, theyre a 3rd party not related to HC
We'll see what health canada thinks about lift.
i dont understand.. if the various strains passed testing, why wouldnt the sweet leaf pass testing.. same as tilray's house blend or tweeds loose leaf or other trimmings from LP's theyre all mixed strains

Because they are supposed to give you specific information like THC and CBD readings on the product you get - once you mix different numbers into one pot that's basically impossible.
mixing strains should not be allowed! different stroke s for different folks !!!!!!! and why it should be only one type!.
if it's got to be medicine............. MAKE IT SO!

Trim is not medicines. Sure...there may be wee trace amounts of meds. Mixing that would give strange affects most are not used to.
SO... drawing on that conclusion.....does that help?
I can only guess how this will go :lol:

Compassion clubs sell it the same way. It's a mix of a few different strains and sweet leaf is like $40 an oz and can be used for edibles, etc.
I would happily buy it, because you use 3x as much of that, but it's 1/5 of the cost. Great for making honey.
Compassion clubs sell it the same way. It's a mix of a few different strains and sweet leaf is like $40 an oz and can be used for edibles, etc.
I would happily buy it, because you use 3x as much of that, but it's 1/5 of the cost. Great for making honey.
Never used a club
3 times as much?? ????? :lol:
what part about it not being medication and pure shwag do you not understand?
Do you even know what part of the plant is medicine? :lol:
With your thinking sure doesn't seem like it.
Never used a club
3 times as much?? ????? :lol:
what part about it not being medication and pure shwag do you not understand?
Do you even know what part of the plant is medicine? :lol:
With your thinking sure doesn't seem like it.

If it takes me 1oz of blueberry to make BHO, I would use 3oz of sweet leaf from the blueberry to make a similar amount of BHO.
I don't use it for that though. I use it for honey, my wife bakes with budder, etc. I'm not rolling a fat joint full of sweet leaf and puffing away on it.

1oz of Blueberry = $200
3oz of Blueberry Sweet Leaf = $120
it seems you THINK quite a lot for a young whipper snapper who likes older women with grey bushes or lack there of...
Ya boy! They know a thing or two eh !?!?

ps... it would take over 12 oz of leaf to do the same as 1 of good bud would not be the same result! Some info you were looking for. ;)
I absorb information for a living. It's the basis of my job.
I also do financial projections for a multi-million dollar company, so calculating $200 - $120 isn't that difficult ;)
i dont understand.. if the various strains passed testing, why wouldnt the sweet leaf pass testing.. same as tilray's house blend or tweeds loose leaf or other trimmings from LP's theyre all mixed strains

When an LP ships a pile of blended of uh "sweet leaf" what is the % of thc and cbd?
If it takes me 1oz of blueberry to make BHO, I would use 3oz of sweet leaf from the blueberry to make a similar amount of BHO.
I don't use it for that though. I use it for honey, my wife bakes with budder, etc. I'm not rolling a fat joint full of sweet leaf and puffing away on it.

1oz of Blueberry = $200
3oz of Blueberry Sweet Leaf = $120

But that's not the point. The point is, that its production waste. Bad organs and meat go to dog and cat food even though they're safe to eat as they passed an inspection.

I don't know about some of you but "Medical" grade I expect that to be nothing but pure bud and no stem or some kind of a product like oil/hash/etc... not production waste.
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I don't understand. No one is saying, "The only thing we have is sweet leaf". It's another option for those who make edibles and can't necessarily afford the higher priced bud. Compassion clubs and most other grows all use this stuff to make edibles.

Everyone here has such a hate-on for LPs that they'll make a big deal out of anything.
Be reasonable and maybe we can have rational conversations.
And if you think it's "production waste" than you're just a snob about it.
There's perfectly good medicine on those leaves that plenty of people find relief from. Why would you want to remove an additional option? You want each LP to only offer things that you constantly remind me no one can afford? They're offering an alternative that works for many people who don't smoke.
And if you think it's "production waste" than you're just a snob about it.
There's perfectly good medicine on those leaves that plenty of people find relief from. Why would you want to remove an additional option? You want each LP to only offer things that you constantly remind me no one can afford? They're offering an alternative that works for many people who don't smoke.

How's that Tylenol dust and broken pills packed up and sold you as lower grade packaging because you can't afford the full intact pill package. The gov would never allow that to be sold so why are weed trim scraps allowed?
And if you think it's "production waste" than you're just a snob about it.
There's perfectly good medicine on those leaves that plenty of people find relief from. Why would you want to remove an additional option? You want each LP to only offer things that you constantly remind me no one can afford? They're offering an alternative that works for many people who don't smoke.

I agree, there is plenty of medicine on the plant not just the top primo buds. For cooking or extracting the so called *waste* works great, why throw it away. I would never suggest smoking it, and would never charge more than $1/g. Its a great option if your a patient that only extracts and ingests orally. its an inexpensive way to get the medicine from the plant. There is a whole industry making medables from "waste", I can Guarantee most commercial edibles aren't made from bud. I for one prefer to smoke the top flowers, and extract or cook with the harvest "waste".

I don't understand. No one is saying, "The only thing we have is sweet leaf". It's another option for those who make edibles and can't necessarily afford the higher priced bud. Compassion clubs and most other grows all use this stuff to make edibles.

Everyone here has such a hate-on for LPs that they'll make a big deal out of anything.
Be reasonable and maybe we can have rational conversations.
Stop telling everyone that lp's are the only way to access their meds. You're being unreasonable. You want to make money off of us. To fucking bad. Never gonna happen. If we listen to you and beleive what you say then well over 75% of Canadian mmj users are crinimals already. The system is wrong not us. Get use to it. This message will be beat into anyone spewing the lp is the only legal way bullshit Everytime you push your agenda.