OrganiGram open for registration

Well, then I guess Privateer is willing to give some money to Organicgram.

Sellout corporate shill.
He was diverting mmar grown bud for years so now that he helped break the mmar he's gonna help us with the mmpr. But don't worry he'll be along soon to tell us about all the invalids he nursed back to health with his breast milk.
You missed my point entirely gmack....I'm not condoning what he did, but he has as much right to voice his opinion as you do.
He was diverting mmar grown bud for years so now that he helped break the mmar he's gonna help us with the mmpr. But don't worry he'll be along soon to tell us about all the invalids he nursed back to health with his breast milk.

never once did I divert, and I got records to prove it. All the cannabis was shipped via Canada Post, frequency, weights and signatures were all recorded. What happened to it when the patient got it was none of my business. they called, I shipped their meds, I was simply their grower, not their babysitter. I know for fact that they were making extracts/concentrates and taking orally, I have no evidence that they were diverting, only suspicion. Just like your claims, purely based on speculations and no facts.

never once did I divert, and I got records to prove it. All the cannabis was shipped via Canada Post, frequency, weights and signatures were all recorded. What happened to it when the patient got it was none of my business. they called, I shipped their meds, I was simply their grower, not their babysitter. I know for fact that they were making extracts/concentrates and taking orally, I have no evidence that they were diverting, only suspicion. Just like your claims, purely based on speculations and no facts.


You should sue Gmack for slander LOL
never once did I divert, and I got records to prove it. All the cannabis was shipped via Canada Post, frequency, weights and signatures were all recorded. What happened to it when the patient got it was none of my business. they called, I shipped their meds, I was simply their grower, not their babysitter. I know for fact that they were making extracts/concentrates and taking orally, I have no evidence that they were diverting, only suspicion. Just like your claims, purely based on speculations and no facts.

Sure man. So there were never any overages in the 900 plants you could keep and if there was im sure you disposed of it in kitty litter and water to make it unusable. Your "records" mean nothing. No one was there to verify what your wrote, no one to verify the weight of weed you grew. no one could say for sure you're a criminal. Doesn't change the fact you were/are. You can keep kicking the turd around the room. The smell won't go away. You're dirty as fuck and trying to act like you did nothing wrong. Good luck with that.
Sure man. So there were never any overages in the 900 plants you could keep and if there was im sure you disposed of it in kitty litter and water to make it unusable. Your "records" mean nothing. No one was there to verify what your wrote, no one to verify the weight of weed you grew. no one could say for sure you're a criminal. Doesn't change the fact you were/are. You can keep kicking the turd around the room. The smell won't go away. You're dirty as fuck and trying to act like you did nothing wrong. Good luck with that.

Never said I was an angel, but "dirty as fuck"?. I am a rec user I grew illegally for 20 years, the mmar was a way for me to legitimize my love of the herb and to grow without persecution of the law. In order to continue down that path, the MMPR is next, then full legalization. Never claimed to be anything else. When the time comes, I will have my dream job, growing cannabis for a living. Its unfortunate that the current med patients are being the Guinea pigs, and I under stand. Their government has let them down. Not me.

Never said I was an angel, but "dirty as fuck"?. I am a rec user I grew illegally for 20 years, the mmar was a way for me to legitimize my love of the herb and to grow without persecution of the law. In order to continue down that path, the MMPR is next, then full legalization. Never claimed to be anything else. When the time comes, I will have my dream job, growing cannabis for a living. Its unfortunate that the current med patients are being the Guinea pigs, and I under stand. Their government has let them down. Not me.

Quoted for posterity. See people I was right. An illigal grower hiding behind the mmar. And yes in case you need to hear it agian that make you dirty as fuck. Not the growing part the fucking the system to do it and stay out of jail. It's not hard to understand.

The Dudes talking through his hat!


It's so comical that he thinks the more he says the better his story looks. For the record I have no problem with bm weed sales. Only those who fuck the system and have ruined it for the majority of mmj users who actually need it. Why should I not be allowed to grow my own when the only reason is ASSHOLES have abused the system so much that they can publicly state growing 900lb for 4 people a year was totaly legal and legit. And they were suspose to believe that he was compensated $2000 a month. Nope sorry. We're not as dumb as you think itsmehigh.
Any body in construction knows in order to get a building permit you need drawings,blueprints, schematics/shop drawing , they need to be signed off by a certified engineer, not many engineers have worked on comercial grow facilities. When you need to heat/cool, dehumidify, filter, and inject CO2 to a dozen or more rooms simultaneously all at different loads it's very complex. Your environmental control is extremely important.

fuck dude, did you read, copy and paste that out of a book ?
You're awesome. You don't have try anymore.
I'm convinced! :)
Quoted for posterity. See people I was right. An illigal grower hiding behind the mmar. And yes in case you need to hear it agian that make you dirty as fuck. Not the growing part the fucking the system to do it and stay out of jail. It's not hard to understand.

Duh! grow BM go to jail, or grow MMAR. Call it what you want. Who's hiding? I became exempt under the mmar to grow for others, not for me. Big difference than the BM for profit.

Duh! grow BM go to jail, or grow MMAR. Call it what you want. Who's hiding? I became exempt under the mmar to grow for others, not for me. Big difference than the BM for profit.

See the noose? Now you've gone and done it. Good luck with your lp ya filthy criminal.