OrganiGram posts strain list, prices between $6-9 with shipping


Active Member
Just saw a tweet about these guys releasing details about the strains they will be producing, I guess there are gonna be 16 total strains for now. At least they used original names for the most part and I like prices including shipping.

Here is the link if anyone wanted to check it out, what do you guys think? I could go for some AK-47 right about now haha, last time I had some that my buddy claimed was AK from a dispensary in BC and it tasted heavenly in my Volcano
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Too expensive hippy? That's better than med and black mark in the states...

As far as the list. Goofy blindly assigning medical categories like this, but not a bad selection. I like the idea of having some sativas and the landrace Jamaican is really nice to offer. Most retail and marketing these days just seems focused on high THC, so this is a gutsy approach.
Sorry Tiger but those prices are fine in the recreational market. But do not reflect compassionate sick people prices. This is what a lot of us are saying. 6-12 dollars a gram is for rich folks ...not sick folks. Many sick people are burdened with extra expenses that the rec smoker may not be. Plus many can not work and need a deal on the see?
This is why so many folks make/grow their own MMJ. It more reasonable to do.
There are folks who rely on a reasonable price to basically exist comfortably from one day to the next. That's a very serious thing. And this game playing is hurting people. So it may be good meds but many people can't afford it. There is virtually no drug coverage for most patients for the MMJ they are prescribed. Also many of the folks who rely on MMJ to help lessen other drugs to a minimum if they are able. That is a very good thing if it works. These folks have chronic conditions that NEVER go away.
Therefore they can not afford 5 bucks and up type pricing.
Have a heart for these folks. Many are now suffering from this LP parade...Actually suffering...that is no joke.
No kidding man, would never point a finger at a true patient who grows meds for himself - that is a god given right.
also hippy rec users do not have to rely on MMJ and may only using it maybe on the weekends or at the end of a long day, while even a 3/g day script is $126 a week @$6 which month after month is way too much for anyone to pay for relief. That's only a minimal script, as a lot of MMJ patients have bigger scripts. So I can totally see why ppl are upset and agree 100% with ya and others that complain.
i don't see anything about shipping in that link. is it already included in price?
Yep their prices include shipping. I believe their compassionate pricing program is 25% off all prices if you qualify, according to their last newsletter.

@The Hippy: can't argue with you there, the MMPR is definitely hurting the vast majority of true medical patients that require way more than they can afford to buy at these prices, I hope that such users are allowed to grow a few personal use plants for themselves or get a designated grower as they are not really the market for LP's and need their meds.
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How about a movement to boycott any publicly traded LP. It's not a free market and we're their clients only at the grace of the guns to hour heads. Publicly traded means shareholders come first. Fuck that.

25% off of a what..... 300% and rising mark up, is fucking compassionate, if you qualify? Fuck these clowns. Have they even delivered a gram yet?
A boycott at this stage of the game would Drop investment guaranteed! Put out lots of online propaganda and do it often, and it will hurt!
How about a movement to boycott any publicly traded LP. It's not a free market and we're their clients only at the grace of the guns to hour heads. Publicly traded means shareholders come first. Fuck that.

25% off of a what..... 300% and rising mark up, is fucking compassionate, if you qualify? Fuck these clowns. Have they even delivered a gram yet?
Sorta like when a furniture store discounts it's already over priced wares to give the appearance of a discount. Prime example
also hippy rec users do not have to rely on MMJ and may only using it maybe on the weekends or at the end of a long day, while even a 3/g day script is $126 a week @$6 which month after month is way too much for anyone to pay for relief. That's only a minimal script, as a lot of MMJ patients have bigger scripts. So I can totally see why ppl are upset and agree 100% with ya and others that complain.

No kidding, an additional $6552 in yearly expenses for a 3g script. And that's at the lower end of daily gram limits. On a 5g/day script @ $6/gram that's $210/month and $10,920/year. Keeping in mind the average disability income is only $880/month
I have been eruging patients whom have to use the LP system to dump any LP that has given bullshit for meds or if they have any sort of issue as it will start to way on this so called leaders of the MMJ industry, but given how difficult it is to change and still have meds will be a stopping factor for many..... I personal would go through the pain both in the act and the body to change LP's if I got screwed over by any LP
Yes we had a better system before this crap scheme was hatched. Let face it this new setup is they can tax weed finally...period IMO.
That goof harptler loves stealing from those who have trouble protecting themselves. The sick..and that make him pure shit on a stick. I hope he get sick...real sick
Does anybody have any real solid numbers for how many patients are enrolled in the MMPR? And out of those patients what are their scripts like? Now I wonder what the average yearly income is for an MMPR patient (info we'll never have but makes you wonder)? I've said it numerous times the MMPR isn't for anybody but the wealthy. It costs millions of dollars to even enter the market to sell over priced product only people that make $100,000+ a year can afford. When recreational gets legalized it won't be any better, prices will stay pretty much the same, just they will have millions more in the market that may only smoke on weekends or once in a while. This is in no way a "medical program", if it was there wouldn't be any qualifying for "compassionate pricing", it would be compassionately priced to fucking begin with.
Insurance would help, but that will never happen for most because of some other bullshit (no DIN mostly). But as HC said we "don't have a right to affordable medicine". What the fuck happened to this country?