OrganiGram posts strain list, prices between $6-9 with shipping

Nanners are bad genetics, a power outage won't fuck anything up except my timers lmao. You sound like you don't even really grow, or maybe just dont fully understand

Been growing over a decade, never had mold. Maybe its my climate

Lol when you produce more with scale prices drop not the other way around. This is why big businesses and agriculture can take over.

That's a reasonable estimate of the usable bud. It ranges from .74 to .85

Anyway I'm done here. I guess yall want and expect high prices. Also there are many of us with multiple houses and grow sites (texas growers are a fairly strong community) all with these same ideals. We know are cost per gram and charge accordingly
I think delta just offers that discount on the first 30 grams ordered though right? I know some conditions apply for sure

That's great for you, but keep in mind you did not have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars as well as time invested to get the infrastructure in place to BEGIN production, and furthermore you don't need to spend money getting your product lab tested and complying with HC rules. These costs need to be taken into account when coming up with numbers for production cost/gram, I wonder how LP's will try and release this data.

With heavy sunk costs as far as I know no LP can say they're producing medicine for $1/gram or something because while it may cost them that AFTER they have their production infrastructure in place, can you assume all of it was just from a fairy waving her wand and nobody paying any money?

if you order 30 grams or more you get a dollar off each gram. if you are on disability or low income subsidy, they offer 50% off. i misread but the deal is actually better than i thought!
Nobody wants high prices, but we do want to be realistic in these discussions.
Only some prices drop when you scale up - staff, electricity costs, cost per square foot, composting costs, safe capacity, security requirements, lab capacity, etc don't go down. You expand and you have to get a higher security clearance that costs an extra $100,000 in construction.
OK the cost doesn't literally change. If I only profit 50¢ per gram. I'm gonna be a broke mf
With scale and your pulling weight its really easy to get rich off 50¢ profit. This is the model of big businesses.. now I'm done here
yup arguing b.s that don't count dude, you grow a couple 600w lights, you get maybe 3-5 lbs a yr. you cannot compare and argue about your wee grow to a huge or large L.P.
and as for you never getting mold, good, most that can grow don't get mold. and yes nanners are a genetic thing, but if you stress your plants or stress test them like breeders do then you will find nanners, or a power failure can bring out nanners also.
again, some against the system or those who don't trust it will be growing there own meds for 20cents a gram and we are all very happy for ya
I agree 100% you can NOT grow for that cheap in a large scale! paying staff, power, and hundreds of thousands more on yearly running costs.
I just love how a small grower can say what we should charge cause they THINK they know. lmfao
You get it now...good to hear. You see we can do it cheaper ourselves...hense LP troubles
you don't put in your time, your losses from mold or bugs, if you have a power outage it throws off your plants causing nanners. you run a few 600hps compared to 5+ rooms running 60-100+ thousand watts, and 10 tonnes of A-C, 4 dehumidifiers per room, vegging rooms, drying rooms, baggies, labels, testing, storage tempature costs to keep bud correct humidity, shipping to help save patient $ and 20-50 staff that make 40k a yr and a Q.A that wants 100k a year. there is NO way we can compare the same states. it is nothing alike.
but if you and hippy get together you can talk all the shit you want to, lol
You sound like your grasping for straws on a sinking boat ya duffuss...hahahaha
OMG ppl ... with all their fucking billions of dollars they invest ... wouldn't they go renewable like wind solar together makes turning on those lights cheap as fuck. don't forget if you can do your own hydro off a water suppy FFS.... your just trying to push the idea of no you can't grow for cheap, because of vested interests in keeping the prices high and your future fucking paychecks!
Companies like to make money, that's what they do.
If there weren't profits in it they wouldn't go through the entire application process.
That's just a reality. If legalization does take place, prices will drop but these places will still be necessary to produce product for the market.

In my opinion, $5 a gram is a fair price and a good pricepoint for LPs to aim for.
No, it's not as cheap as your basement grow op, but not everyone has the time/skills/real estate to do that or find a DG.
I'll judge them when I see where the billions go.
If it all goes to investor pockets, that's one thing.
If it ends up going back into research, legalization efforts or other "good causes" I might give them a pass.

Just my humble opinion of course.
Just out of curiosity guys, what had medical providers and black market been charging before these MMPRs came on line?
A good friend of mine buys from the black market (yes, that's illegal) and pays $10 a gram for low end, $12 for high end and $7 a gram if they're willing to buy a large quantity from someone one step up the ladder.
Just out of curiosity guys, what had medical providers and black market been charging before these MMPRs came on line?

That largely depends on your location in Canada. Out in BC, you can get top quality for $120 an ounce. In the Prairies or southern ontario, you are looking at $240+/ounce for high grade in a lot of areas. If you live in the north, you are usually looking at $300+ an ounce.
That largely depends on your location in Canada. Out in BC, you can get top quality for $120 an ounce. In the prairies or southern ontario, you are looking at $240+/ounce for high grade in a lot of areas.

Good answer. I've heard very similar.
On average, black marke
260+? Those people are getting ripped off almost as bad as they would be by an LP.

If you don't live in a major city or in BC, you are going to pay accordingly. In northern towns and cities, $240+ is pretty standard, and the price goes up the more remote you get. I've worked in remote northern communities where you could easily get $350+/ounce.