OrganiGram posts strain list, prices between $6-9 with shipping

Yeah blame it on all the rig pigs with too much money to spend. Sorry I can't help your friends now, I've become a favorite customer of the compassion club since becoming "legal". All my old connections moved away, but I'll keep my ear to the ground for ya ;)
FFS emailed them long ago ... still no word at lest I see the website working
in a perfect world the patients would get what they think is owed to them or then proper way ect! in the real world it will not be like what you want until the legalization of mj, then prob like the usa they will stop mmj companies and it will be all rec at top $ and personal plants up to 6-10 max. then what will you all say? the system sucks cause you cant grow 20lbs? this argument will never stop......
Honestly a reasonably priced LP would be better than the black market coz I can get ounces of outdoor like 100-120, M39 140-150 and some quality kush is 170-200, so for the top end I'd rather get lab tested potent stuff rather than off the street

PK is about the only kush I've ever seen below 200 which sems to have flooded the market..OG's ive seen 240.. but when it comes to diesels, hazes or anything like could pay out your ass around here..chocolope was 25$ a gram the first time I saw it, mind you I told buddy to fuck off lol. So I would also rather buy quality lab tested. ..high grade from an lp would be much cheaper for can usually find some skunky ass outdoor grown by your local mountain hick that gets ya pretty ripped lol...shes dirty though
That largely depends on your location in Canada. Out in BC, you can get top quality for $120 an ounce. In the Prairies or southern ontario, you are looking at $240+/ounce for high grade in a lot of areas. If you live in the north, you are usually looking at $300+ an ounce.
So even at the cheap street price of $ 120 an once, that is $ 4.20 per gram. The price in Ontario you said on the street is $ 8.40 per gram. This is for street weed, it might be good, it might be shit. Plus, if you get caught with it, you can lose your house, your kids, etc. LP's will charge a fair price of $ 5 - $7 per gram on average, the quality will become better and standardized plus you are legal and not risking everything you have and own. The LP product will be tested, safe, delivered to your home, not some sketchy street corner. I don't see why anyone wouldn't buy from an LP. I certainly would never risk everything I have on buying illegal weed unless there was no other choice. I agree that everyone should be able to grow for themselves, but many can't, don't have the place, skills, time or ability to do so. Thankfully for them, there is the LP system. The LP system isn't great yet, but it will be.
but the issue is comparing street price to medication.... meds should never be equal or more to what ya get on the street... unless it's covered by health insurance in every province/territory then ok on an oz you pay like 5 bucks..... this isn't happening with health insurance for everyone, so patients should be able to argue this price point. If someone has a doctors approval to get MMJ then they should never have to turn to a street corner, but if it's better than and cheaper than an LP.... you just can't blame them..... until it changes this is going to be the product of the system. yep all patients I agree should be able to grow if they wish both from MMAR and MMPR. That should have been a given from the start, but again a point of a lot of concern because the system once again made it that way. Now patients have to be concerned about the college of physicians and surgeons ... ugghhh ppl wonder why others are getting just a little pissed off.
but the issue is comparing street price to medication.... meds should never be equal or more to what ya get on the street... unless it's covered by health insurance in every province/territory then ok on an oz you pay like 5 bucks..... this isn't happening with health insurance for everyone, so patients should be able to argue this price point. If someone has a doctors approval to get MMJ then they should never have to turn to a street corner, but if it's better than and cheaper than an LP.... you just can't blame them..... until it changes this is going to be the product of the system. yep all patients I agree should be able to grow if they wish both from MMAR and MMPR. That should have been a given from the start, but again a point of a lot of concern because the system once again made it that way. Now patients have to be concerned about the college of physicians and surgeons ... ugghhh ppl wonder why others are getting just a little pissed off.
I agree with your distinction of medicine vs. recreation, but....... many medications, ever prescribed ones, are not covered for many people. I have no drug coverage, I pay for all my medications. All taxpayers pay for medications for people that are on assistance. If I had group benefits, the monthly cost, weather paid by me or my employer would cover the cost of medications. There are no free medications. They area all paid for in one way or another by Canadians.
Jackal wants my taxes to pay for his Marijuana if he can't grow it himself.
There's problems with every system. I'm sure some would have less problems than the MMPR system even.
That said, I don't think there was a solution without problems.
Jackal wants my taxes to pay for his Marijuana if he can't grow it himself.
There's problems with every system. I'm sure some would have less problems than the MMPR system even.
That said, I don't think there was a solution without problems.
your taxes will and do pay for my MMJ ... thanks for that
I agree with your distinction of medicine vs. recreation, but....... many medications, ever prescribed ones, are not covered for many people. I have no drug coverage, I pay for all my medications. All taxpayers pay for medications for people that are on assistance. If I had group benefits, the monthly cost, weather paid by me or my employer would cover the cost of medications. There are no free medications. They area all paid for in one way or another by Canadians.
oh I was wrong about provincial health care then thought they did pay for ppl with no group benefits.... of course there isn't any free meds, subsidised though..... I do believe now you can get personal benefits, monthly fee type if ya have no group... also if your a small business you can get group now... I believe
A good friend of mine buys from the black market (yes, that's illegal) and pays $10 a gram for low end, $12 for high end and $7 a gram if they're willing to buy a large quantity from someone one step up the ladder.

Christ is he smuggling it into penitentiaries at those prices?
And yet here we are with LPs charging $8, $10, $12, $15 etc a gram. Even the compassion clubs are cheaper than most LPs right now, without all the added bullshit of waiting for patient registration and however long it takes them to mail your meds. Access continues to be an issue and the more HC tries to control things the more fucked up it becomes.

Wish I could like a comment twice.
Those prices are the extreme highs. There are also lower prices, compassion pricing, etc.
There will always be high-end product because there will always be high-end customers.
The average strain price is not over $10.

Sorry but No. I don't know of a single medical patient who can afford those prices, or most of the ones offered now, so your "high end customers" theory would only be valid in a discussion about the legal market.
your "high end customers" theory would only be valid in a discussion about the legal market.
It's been discussed a few times around here how easy it is to get a prescription.
High paying customers would have no problem passing up $250 over Skype to get reliable, consistent product.
It's been discussed a few times around here how easy it is to get a prescription.
High paying customers would have no problem passing up $250 over Skype to get reliable, consistent product.

True, but I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing PATIENT access. I'm not debating the grey or black markets, I agree.
True, but I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing PATIENT access. I'm not debating the grey or black markets, I agree.

I think we're discussing the same thing. If I get a prescription from my doctor I'm a patient and therefore have the same access as anyone else here. That would allow me to buy anything from any LP, pending all the other stipulations.
Well that depends on if you take the view that turned California's "medical" program into a joke or not. Where people who stubbed their toe can be considered a "patient". I'm for outright legalization and ease of access but let's not try and pretend that people who use the ease of getting a script for anything under the sun are to be classified a patient along with people who are dying of cancer or suffering from any long term illnesses. That's outright absurd and being willfully ignorant
It's been discussed a few times around here how easy it is to get a prescription.
High paying customers would have no problem passing up $250 over Skype to get reliable, consistent product.

it was only "easy" as you say for me to get a script over Skype because I just so happened to sign a medical consent form giving the doc permission to get my med documents and I provided him with a CT scan report that diagnosed my condition .... so someone hoping to get a Skype script just to be legal rec user is in for a surprise and wont get by the initial consult! as you are kind of wording it on how "easy" it is... by what your own experience?
as a further point when has a doctor prescribing you something sat down and talked to you for an hour and a half about your condition and how it affects your quality of life..... normally it's 5-10 mins in a GP's office and your holding your script