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it was only "easy" as you say for me to get a script over Skype because I just so happened to sign a medical consent form giving the doc permission to get my med documents and I provided him with a CT scan report that diagnosed my condition .... so someone hoping to get a Skype script just to be legal rec user is in for a surprise and wont get by the initial consult! as you are kind of wording it on how "easy" it is... by what your own experience?

There are places to get scripts. On Skype is only one of those. In the GTA there are places you can just get one. In London there's a place you can just walk in and apply and get one. Like it or not, it's possible.
My own symptoms are related to my back and the fact that I have lower back compression. I can get a prescription for it no problem but I have not yet because it's an issue that comes and goes and is currently in the "goes" stage thankfully.
Well that depends on if you take the view that turned California's "medical" program into a joke or not. Where people who stubbed their toe can be considered a "patient". I'm for outright legalization and ease of access but let's not try and pretend that people who use the ease of getting a script for anything under the sun are to be classified a patient along with people who are dying of cancer or suffering from any long term illnesses. That's outright absurd and being willfully ignorant

Agreed. I'm not saying their genuine, deserve-to-be-treated patients.
I'm just saying they're patients because that's what you are when you have a prescription.

It's not California yet, and I doubt it will go that far down the tubes, but companies like Tweed will need more "non medical" or "non chronic" users to start getting licensed in order to support their facility size. You'll see it happen soon enough.
There are places to get scripts. On Skype is only one of those. In the GTA there are places you can just get one. In London there's a place you can just walk in and apply and get one. Like it or not, it's possible.
My own symptoms are related to my back and the fact that I have lower back compression. I can get a prescription for it no problem but I have not yet because it's an issue that comes and goes and is currently in the "goes" stage thankfully.
yep as long as you have a proven diagnoses of your condition it should be easy... as for the sore finger doctors they are the ones they need to go after because they are out for money period
I have insomnia. I can take zopiclone and it works. I would rather smoke 1/2g instead. How do I fit in to your classifications.
How about my annoying agoraphobia, a puff or take 2 lorazopam, what's this classified as?
There are places to get scripts. On Skype is only one of those. In the GTA there are places you can just get one. In London there's a place you can just walk in and apply and get one. Like it or not, it's possible.
My own symptoms are related to my back and the fact that I have lower back compression. I can get a prescription for it no problem but I have not yet because it's an issue that comes and goes and is currently in the "goes" stage thankfully.
I'm from London, and there is more to it than just walking into see Craven or Hart and "getting" it.
I stopped taking them 6 months ago.
My point is, who has the right to say what is and isn't an acceptable condition to be treated with medical marijuana?
It's a very slippery slope folks.

HC for years said what was an acceptable condition that could be treated and now they want doctors to do the same. That's kind of the problem though isn't it, patients who should have a right to choose their own treatment are barred from access for a number of reasons. The choice to use cannabis is a personal choice and should be up to any fucking grown adult alone, not some doctor or government agency.
I stopped taking them 6 months ago.
My point is, who has the right to say what is and isn't an acceptable condition to be treated with medical marijuana?
It's a very slippery slope folks.
but it should be handed out like candy either, sure you can have a sore finger but maybe you need only a month script then. Hopefully the doctors can understand that. because a sore finger shouldn't get a year script, or your hammering your finger in the door every second week. there does need a definite diagnoses on what ever your condition. they have to watch the give away script doctors, like the oxy scams in the states
HC for years said what was an acceptable condition that could be treated and now they want doctors to do the same. That's kind of the problem though isn't it, patients who should have a right to choose their own treatment are barred from access for a number of reasons. The choice to use cannabis is a personal choice and should be up to any fucking grown adult alone, not some doctor or government agency.
then make it legal right ... like alcohol but they continue to class it bad as cocaine and meth FFS. Working with common sense sure your an adult giver, but I don't want it to go away because of rec users going legal.... fuck then it's back to BM and the worry of being nab by cops. they do have to go through stages from the worse off patients to the toe stubbers... if ya go too fast then it becomes look down upon and gets stalled too. but as long as it moves and doesn't get hung up then it will go smoother and soon toe stubbers can get there meds (probably be legal by that time)
As I stated, I'm all for access and I'd rather it just be straight up legalized so everyone could access it easily for whatever reason they wish to medical or recreational. I was merely pointing out the other side of that slippery slope you're referring to which is lumping everyone together in the most basic interpretation of the word patient given the varying degrees of injury or illness one can have. Nothing more.:-)
I'm from London, and there is more to it than just walking into see Craven or Hart and "getting" it.
Maybe you just need to see the right people. Craven or Hart may not be the ones, but there are definitely some.

I'm curious to see whether or not the compassion club doctor friends will support MMPR at all.
I guess you are just better connected than I am. ( feel free to inform me if you feel like it )

I think you know the answer to that already.
Oh I highly doubt I'm more connected. I have yet to meet these doctors, I just know they exist.

I don't know the answer about compassion doctors. My assumption is that many will continue supporting compassion clubs and not MMPR, but some may decide to write legitimate prescriptions.. hard to say IMHO, but I know very little about how compassion clubs function so far.
There are lots of doctors in London that have written MMAR forms, and will write the new documents. The issue is most of these doctors in London are not taking new patients.
Craven...well that's a different story, with more to the story than meets the eye.