Original Haze

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
Anyone ever grown this strain? I'm not sure what the background is, but it's an indoor strain from Fantaseeds, and supposed to be quite strong and relatively easy to grow.

Outkast Seeds

Well-Known Member
I am not sure how far removed from the 70"s Haze this strain is. The Old Timers Haze we are working with is a 22-24 week long strain. The Haze listed at Fanatseeds says 11-13 weeks for flowering.

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
sure its not the flying dutchman thats got the original, not sure.
I'm not sure about the "afkomst" of the seeds, so I was a bit curious. I'll confess that I pulled the most expensive indoor seeds I could find off the wall that had a reasonable flowering time. It was only later that I started wondering about the indica/sativa split on the breeding, though I'm a first timer so I'll be lucky just to make it to 12/12.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice! Should you flower after the fifth internode because you can, or because you'll end up with a friggin' tree? I'm about three weeks into Veg, and am at about 4 and 1/2 nodes.
if your growing outdoors then a trees O.K. but indoors with confined spaces id start the 12/12 cycle now. good luck :joint::mrgreen:

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member

and, fwiw, my girls grew about three inches since your post. I'm not sure if it's because of your message or the fact that I just transplanted, but still ...


Anyhoo, I'm off to start my 12/12. . .

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
i tried to grow the original haze inside...bad idea...got some nice nugget though

Thanks brother, but so far so good - my orig. haze girl is a bit leggier than the rest, but I've lst'ed her, and she seems to be dealing with it pretty well. Of course nothing matters until harvest .. . .