Original Skunk #1 outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I got a couple of skunk seeds as a throw in. Turns out they are photo’s. The harvest date is late October. I’m in mid coast Maine. Will pulling the plants into the garage at night suffice during the colder part of October? They are pretty big plants, maybe 4-5 feet tall each. They just started flowering a couple of weeks ago. Thought these were gonna be autos like the rest of my order.
I got a couple of skunk seeds as a throw in. Turns out they are photo’s. The harvest date is late October. I’m in mid coast Maine. Will pulling the plants into the garage at night suffice during the colder part of October? They are pretty big plants, maybe 4-5 feet tall each. They just started flowering a couple of weeks ago. Thought these were gonna be autos like the rest of my order.
If you can put a couple oscillating fans in the garage with them at night for airflow.
Am in midcoast Maine also and grew a bunch of late-flowering sativas last year, harvested the Chinook Haze a few days before Halloween. I take it they're in fabric pots? Mine were in the ground so they had to stay out. Worked out OK but I think I got lucky. This year I have some in fabric pots which I will definitely be taking in at night if we get any hard freezes. I would say try to give them as much sunlight as possible during the day, even if you have to move them around a bit. This year I'm trying an experiment based on some advice from Coot, topdressing with malted barley--he swears it makes them finish faster. Might be worth a try for you also but too early for me to confirm if it works. Good luck!
[QUOTE="Zephyrs, post: 16524583, member: 986955" you can put a couple oscillating fans in the garage with them at night for airflow.

Zephyrs Why is it that nobody mentions 00 skunk is it because the plant is weak from the current phenos?
You'll be all set going through October. Unless you get a hard freeze. They will handle a few normal frost. Most years I don't chop mine until the 3rd or 4th week.
Most people worry so much about frost. Truth is it's not great for the plant it will slow her down when it's cold but a healthy plant can easily take a few light Frosts. I'm in South Ontario and I used to grow outdoor guerilla in around Georgian Bay and we wouldnt even harvest (most years) until the week before Halloween or more. Hell we've harvested in snowstorms! Where the snow was covering up the plants lol.
The ones we couldnt get to were just fine the next day minus some minor damage. In Oct the temps only dip down to around freezing toward the end of the night then the sun comes and warms it all up again. It's that hard frost that will kill. Neg temps starting earlier in the night. You need to watch hourly forecasts to see what the temp will do overnight and how long it will stay cold. People waaaay to worried about it imo
Most people worry so much about frost. Truth is it's not great for the plant it will slow her down when it's cold but a healthy plant can easily take a few light Frosts. I'm in South Ontario and I used to grow outdoor guerilla in around Georgian Bay and we wouldnt even harvest (most years) until the week before Halloween or more. Hell we've harvested in snowstorms! Where the snow was covering up the plants lol.
The ones we couldnt get to were just fine the next day minus some minor damage. In Oct the temps only dip down to around freezing toward the end of the night then the sun comes and warms it all up again. It's that hard frost that will kill. Neg temps starting earlier in the night. You need to watch hourly forecasts to see what the temp will do overnight and how long it will stay cold. People waaaay to worried about it imo

Southern MA/ Providence RI area here: I left the last of my Skunks out till 2nd week of November I think last year, and was fine until the unrelenting cold rains set in.