Originally thought it was lacking nitrogen now I’m unsure


Well-Known Member
So I just flipped my plants on the 15th and repotted one which I thought had a nitrogen def now I’m noticing some more symptoms that I haven’t seen before. I want to catch it before it gets too far. I’m growing in soil. C35FA1D4-C814-4E9A-A9DE-3118C30A8287.jpeg2E9B0104-1B9B-44C4-9942-EC5C1429B11F.jpeg16217AE5-3FD8-4BF5-9FCC-60D89DD6806D.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I don’t see signs of revegging. If you have a question of toxicity or deficiency and you’ve been feeding them lean towards toxicity. Trim off all dead, dying or damaged leaves. Watch your new growth.


Well-Known Member
I have a hard time believing it’s revegged since it’s not even been a week since flip. Like I’m just starting to notice signs of flowering. The thing I’m not sure of is the yellowing in the middle of the leaves which I believe is boron def and the yellow leaves with green spots I’ve never seen this before. Also there’s only a couple curled leafs if it was light leak I’d feel there’d be more


Well-Known Member
The only feeding I have done is a top dress of fox farms fruit and veg mix and raw cal mag in with the water.


Well-Known Member
I’m using tap water letting it sit for 24-48 hours then phed down to 6.2-6.5. The town I live in has 3 artesian wells that our water comes from. However I haven’t had it tested


Well-Known Member
I use the calmag since I’m running a timber led. I was told I need to supplement calmag with leds. However I’m not sure on the schedule I should be doing that.


Well-Known Member
I’m using tap water letting it sit for 24-48 hours then phed down to 6.2-6.5. The town I live in has 3 artesian wells that our water comes from. However I haven’t had it tested
I wouldn't be ph down the water,soil has buffers in it like lime to control ph.My tap water is 7.2 ish and i dont adjust it.That same lime is also your calmag so i dont think you really need to add any.


Well-Known Member
The spots or blotches you see on the leaves is from ph IME. Ive mistakenly added ph down before thinking it was nutes.We wont talk about that.:D


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the heads up and info going to try running straight water for the next couple of weeks and see where I get.


Well-Known Member
Keep up with the top dressing. If ya can get some good earthworm castings that’s always good. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
So after some stoned thinking about this i remembered that when I repotted I decided to experiment. thought to myself hmmm ive heard good things about strawberry fields and ocean forrest so why not mix them. I did not realize one was coco and one was soil until recently. The added calmag has kept the new growth looking nice and green. The big shocker to me was the one that was in a mix is already covered in trikes while the others are just starting to get frosty. still looking a little funky on some of the under growth but shes looking good and smelling even better