Well-Known Member
I did, and you implied, thank you.
Thanks for your admission. Please refrain from misquoting me in the future.
I did, and you implied, thank you.
Right I forgot, anybody who objects to the genocide of Palestinians, or that the jews run everything, including the Supreme Court, The media, The banks, all the politicians on bith sides of the aisle, The Private Federal Reserve is an antisemite and his positions are indefensible. FUCK THAT!!! That must make me an antisemite then. In Cockefellors words, ''I stand guilty"
Right I forgot, anybody who objects to the genocide of Palestinians, or that the jews run everything, including the Supreme Court, The media, The banks, all the politicians on both sides of the aisle, The Private Federal Reserve is an antisemite and his positions are indefensible. FUCK THAT!!! That must make me an antisemite then. In Cockefellors words, ''I stand guilty"
you did praise hitler though. so i think that suffices to call you a jew hater, you sack of shit.
Welcome to Los Angeles LOLWhat would the patriots have done if they had turned all their arms into their government? We would all be singing Hail to the Queen right now. That is why we need AR 15's, to protect our dwindling liberties. I would like it if the Federal government turned over all the tanks to municipalities. I don't trust the feds one iota.
Your opinion of Adolfo is irrelevant due to your religion or is it race? I keep getting conflicting answers on that issue.
and by the way, israel is doing the worst job at genocide of the palestinians ever. their population just keeps increasing.
for being a group of superior ubermensch, the jews really suck at genociding palestinians.
eh.. shes alright.. flat chest but alright vagina. i would sex again and recommend to friends and familyyour mother is a conflicting answer.
I wonder a bit about the frequency that these "lone crazed shooter" scenarios that seem to have become so ubiquitous over the last decade seemingly to have graduated from the realm of political figure assassinations to the everyday Joe.
If I'm interested in deceiving the public, why not build on a proven model? They believed a bullet traveled in an "S" curve before.
I only know I wasn't there, and no matter how pretty the persons telling me the "details" are, they weren't either.
Neither are the people responsible for the official report, the author looking to memorialize the event, the politician evoking the event as an example of the need for societal change, or the guy that's absolutely convinced I'm a conspiracy theorist because my view doesn't match theirs as to how the event(s) might have been formented.
FOIA requests will be bogged down causing any meaningful investigation into this (these) event(s) from disclosing any information until the event(s) are but a dim memory and don't elicit the emotional response necessary for righteous indignation in regard to the actual evidence of the acts.
FOIA requests, and the information unmasked thereof, have proven to me that no information from the gov't should be believed unless it's something they (supposedly) don't want you to know.
These are the same folks that have hired economists to tell us that they can borrow money forever and it'll never accrue enough interest to become unmanageable when anyone that's gotten 2nd grade math under their belt knows that math doesn't lie and a hard rain is gonna fall due to that fallacious diatribe.
Do I need to bring out the dead baby pics again?
I wonder a bit about the frequency that these "lone crazed shooter" scenarios that seem to have become so ubiquitous over the last decade seemingly to have graduated from the realm of political figure assassinations to the everyday Joe.
If I'm interested in deceiving the public, why not build on a proven model? They believed a bullet traveled in an "S" curve before.
I only know I wasn't there, and no matter how pretty the persons telling me the "details" are, they weren't either.
Neither are the people responsible for the official report, the author looking to memorialize the event, the politician evoking the event as an example of the need for societal change, or the guy that's absolutely convinced I'm a conspiracy theorist because my view doesn't match theirs as to how the event(s) might have been formented.
FOIA requests will be bogged down causing any meaningful investigation into this (these) event(s) from disclosing any information until the event(s) are but a dim memory and don't elicit the emotional response necessary for righteous indignation in regard to the actual evidence of the acts.
FOIA requests, and the information unmasked thereof, have proven to me that no information from the gov't should be believed unless it's something they (supposedly) don't want you to know.
These are the same folks that have hired economists to tell us that they can borrow money forever and it'll never accrue enough interest to become unmanageable when anyone that's gotten 2nd grade math under their belt knows that math doesn't lie and a hard rain is gonna fall due to that fallacious diatribe.
I am a beta program citizen, at times I will make mistakes. I note that you are overdue for a medical appointment, may I make that for you now?Thanks for your admission. Please refrain from misquoting me in the future.
I am a beta program citizen, at times I will make mistakes. I note that you are overdue for a medical appointment, may I make that for you now?
I am a beta program citizen, at times I will make mistakes. I note that you are overdue for a medical appointment, may I make that for you now?
caress your nipples.
Welcome to Los Angeles LOL