ya i see what your saying. my point was that we do pollute this world, even tho it may be as insignificant as your describing.
We are simply changing a substance from one state to another. When you eat breakfast and shit it out later are you polluting? Could you one day decide you were not going to shit anymore because you dont want to create any more pollution?
If you take that pollution that comes out of your ass and mix it with dirt, plants grow better in your pollution... How can that be possible? I mean, it is pollution right?
I am glad we dont have rivers that catch on fire anymore but just like with any concept it can be taken too far. We do live in harmony with our environment in that we clean the water we use, we control where our waste is dumped for the most part, we regulate companies against pollution.
Did you know the other day they had a breakthrough in hydrogen cell technology? The used to need to use platinum to aid in the conversion between oxygen and hydrogen. They found a new compound that can do the same process but is virtually free. It was one of the big roadblocks in hydrogen fuel cell technology because platinum is 1200 dollars per ounce.
We are advancing so rapidly in technology now there is no telling what we will be able to access in the future. But that is just it, it is still in the future.
So, we need to exploit all fuel sources including oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, etc... Maybe solar and wind will catch up or maybe it will be fusion or hydrogen technology in the future but we need to be using them all.