Ostego co raids

Looks like an awful lot of MMJ activity occurring along the I75 corridor heading north this year. I cannot help but suspect federal involvement/influence like we saw west to east along I94 corridor a couple of years back. It seems more than a coincidence that all those cases are just making trial now. It could be that the Feds have returned for those court appearances and are peddling their influence northward for yet another round of assaulting patients and caregivers for profit regardless of our law ...
At this point I think it's mostly about not paying tolls. Gotta grease all the right palms in this state.. 20 years ago a buncha blue collar people showed up and picketed if you didn't and you likely were ran outa town... Nowadays it's the boys in blue collars for real that pay your visit.

Lesson learned? Get ya grease game tight son lol. Cross your T's and dot your I's. Fund raising dinners for local officials is a good back up grease strategy. Charity is also another much unused greasing technique. Get you business in the paper helping the homeless enough times and you got another layer of protection.

Now is this all right? Probably not but its kinda how things have been done around these parts for a long time. Gotta get someone else rich if you wanna get rich yourself.
At this point I think it's mostly about not paying tolls. Gotta grease all the right palms in this state.. 20 years ago a buncha blue collar people showed up and picketed if you didn't and you likely were ran outa town... Nowadays it's the boys in blue collars for real that pay your visit.

Lesson learned? Get ya grease game tight son lol. Cross your T's and dot your I's. Fund raising dinners for local officials is a good back up grease strategy. Charity is also another much unused greasing technique. Get you business in the paper helping the homeless enough times and you got another layer of protection.

Now is this all right? Probably not but its kinda how things have been done around these parts for a long time. Gotta get someone else rich if you wanna get rich yourself.
Spot on
Really ???

If it was just caregivers and patients being harassed like the beginnings of our states medical tales I would be much more riled up but this is no different then someone growing 10,000 plants and claiming medical use...

A dispensary has the potential to make millions. While we could have the whole argument of "should I have to pay the man to make lots of money" argument but that's a whole nother story. There is not a single business that you can profit off of that you don't have to At least shed a few drops of blood for, I mean hell if you want to paint addresses on the curb for people you have to get a 4 hour long permit from the city you are doing it in or it's a $200 fine and a night in jail.

Wanna start a brewery? Gonna be all kinds of interviews and applications and palm greasing along the way. Gonna go far into the red before you even get to put your first lable on.

Wanna sell apples? Well you can either go small potatoes at the local farmers market or you could go all Mott family and pay all kinds of taxes and shit and grow more apples then God and make trillions...

I get the argument that it sucks they are going after the dispensaries but I don't think they are flat out closing these down. The ones in flint they didn't, they just closed them to the public until they were brough up to code.

In today's world, it takes a serious amount of money to keep the ball rolling, roads and infrastructure and what not, sadly a lot of that money goes to bonuses and fancy offices but that doesn't make taxes and beaurocracy totally wrong. If it was working properly it we wouldn't feel bad about police shutting down a dispensary for not paying their due IMO.
This was nothing more than a snatch and grab by thieves with badges...
No amount of charity work or goodwill to the community would've helped..
Us or them they set the rules
So you're good with the little lady get her fucking door kicked in because her son works at a dispensary???
This was nothing more than a snatch and grab by thieves with badges...
No amount of charity work or goodwill to the community would've helped..
Us or them they set the rules
So you're good with the little lady get her fucking door kicked in because her son works at a dispensary???

Not at all, and no where in the story does it say that, no mere worker should be harassed unless he's up to no good. They really don't need to kick doors in when it pertains to the business side of MJ and they have refrained in several cases but idk what drove them to do so in this case.
That was a close one for us. We have a building in Gaylord and were three weeks away from opening.
Belle got permission from the city, then the lardlord of the building went to the city as well to verify everything.
One person is gaylord handled the dispensaries and collecting the taxes, the dispensaries were shut down coincidentally on his day off.
He told belle yesterday to give him the morning to find out what the hell was going on. And yesterday afternoon she had 2 messages in to him.
From everything I've read and heard, I'm back looking for another building further south. Again.
As we speak of how economic principles and the "rule of law" affect MMJ related business, local governments and their relationships here in Michigan, we must also acknowledge the wholly separate economics of our justice system (police, courts and jails). Without the President of the United States and their Attorney General funneling millions of federal dollars per year into this state's narcotic task forces with clear Drug War conviction strings attached in total and unapologetic disregard of our state law (MMMA), this state government simply could not afford these task forces, raids, court proceedings and incarcerations period. This clear path of federal funding, direction and influence all occur regardless of the fact this state cannot and somehow does not need to justify their actions as "legal" under our "rule of law" (aka per MMMA) ...

Belle spoke w/city manager this morning.
The meeting between him and police chief did not happen yesterday and they are meeting for lunch today.
Hopefully we will know more before the weekend.
This was nothing more than a snatch and grab by thieves with badges...
No amount of charity work or goodwill to the community would've helped..
Us or them they set the rules
So you're good with the little lady get her fucking door kicked in because her son works at a dispensary???

"In Michigan, Gholson said, the arrest rate (the share of reported incidents that result in an arrest) is 82 percent for prostitution, compared to 44 percent for murder, 39 percent for felonious assault, 21 percent for robbery, and 15 percent for rape. “It’s because when they catch you with a prostitute, they take your car,” she said. “Civil asset forfeiture decreases public safety.”

GAYLORD — Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement (SANE) and others raided several medical marijuana dispensaries Wednesday, taking extensive amounts of plants and other items.

SANE, along with Michigan State Police Troopers and other police officers and drug enforcement agencies searched several medical marijuana dispensaries in Gaylord after receiving information they were operating illegally.

In total, eight dispensaries were searched in Otsego County. Eight homes inside and outside of the county, owned by the dispensary owners, were searched as well.

Detective Lt. Ken Mills, SANE unit commander, said his team had been working on obtaining search warrants for the past few weeks to allow the units to search these locations for evidence of violations.

“We had received information that the dispensaries, or at least some, were operating illegally,” he said. “They were not following medical marijuana laws and we were in position to initiate investigations.”

After taking an initial look at their findings, Mills said it is clear these dispensaries were in violation of Michigan medical marijuana laws.

Mills did not immediately have exact numbers, but he said at least 100 marijuana plants were recovered, as well as edibles, processed marijuana, documents, vehicles and weapons.

According to Mills, some of the common violations found dealt with providing medical marijuana to more than the legal five patients per caregiver, having more marijuana plants on-hand than what is legal and dispensaries obtaining medical marijuana through illegal transactions.

According to Mills, each caregiver is allowed to have five patients and 12 plants per patient, as well as 12 for themselves, totaling 72 plants per caregiver. In addition, caregivers may only possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana per patient and 2.5 ounces for themselves. Some dispensaries were found in violation of these laws, he said.

According to Sgt. Jeff Gorno from the Michigan State Police Gaylord Post, among the dispensaries searched was Compassionate Caregivers, 2301 S. Otsego Ave., and All Well Natural Health, 845 S. Otsego Ave., in addition to several others in the post's coverage area of Emmet, Charlevoix, Antrim, Cheboygan and Otsego counties.

When the troopers and other law enforcement came to the properties, they confiscated various items. Mills said, to his knowledge, none were forced to close, and the owners were told what they were doing wrong.

“It's up to the people operating,” Mills said. “We didn't advise anybody to close.”

As of Friday, no arrests had been made, though Mills said his team will complete an extensive amount of paperwork and submit it to Otsego Prosecutor Michael Rola, and arrests are expected to be made.

Mills said the multi-county operation began early Wednesday morning by searching the homes first, starting outside of Otsego County and making their way in.

“We knew once we started in Gaylord, people would see us and the media and everything would get involved,” he said. “People quickly found out.”

All of the evidence has since been numbered, packaged and sent to different labs. Mills said all that remains is mostly paperwork.

Several issues related to medical marijuana over the past several months led to these searches, including the discovery that people were obtaining marijuana from other people who had been prescribed it at the dispensaries.

Mills said more information, including amounts of marijuana plants, processed marijuana, items confiscated and possible legal actions will be available in the near future.

Assisting SANE in this effort were Traverse Narcotics Team, Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team, Huron Undercover Narcotics Team, troopers from several Michigan State Police posts and deputies from several county sheriff's departments.
Assisting SANE in this effort were Traverse Narcotics Team, Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team, Huron Undercover Narcotics Team ...

How many millions of federal dollars are required to support these state organizations and their drug war financially and what strings are attached to that cash? Does all that money with strings attached affect their "legal opinion" as they keep on keeping on regardless of MMMA? As cities are now codifying and/or supporting these dispensaries business models locally statewide with MMMA in mind, when will this racket of opposing "legal opinions" turn on them? When will all these clandestine agencies and federal dollars floating around southeastern Michigan roll into assault some place like Ann Arbor, their businesses, patients and caregivers? And if not, why?!?

Answer: Justice is what you can afford, or what is afforded to you ...

The population of entire Otsego County was 3,645 at the 2010 census. Whereas the 2010 census recorded Ann Arbor's population to be 113,934, making it the sixth largest city (and one of the wealthiest) in Michigan.
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big cities are aIways more cooI.......PeopIe thin smaII towns are better, maybe in some ways, others, no way