lee harvey
Well-Known Member
Initially I thought this when I read about your new fixture, and now that you have voiced your concern, I'll give my opinion. There are two basic types of hot glue guns and hot glue, low melt and high melt. I think with the high melt glue you're PROBABLY ok, but the low melt might give you some issues. I used hot glue for a lot of DIY projects in the past, and the one thing I can say is it's not very durable. Great for a while, but has a tendancy to fail after time. Nice fixture though.
thanks meta i appreciate the input, i would give rep but i already gave to you recently so it wont let me... i bought these hot guns years ago from a dollar store or something..so im guessing that the glue that came with the cheapo gun is low melt.. i will probably scrape off 50% of the hardened glue and hit it with some gorilla glue or a high temp resistant glue..