Oswalds grow Journal

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Initially I thought this when I read about your new fixture, and now that you have voiced your concern, I'll give my opinion. There are two basic types of hot glue guns and hot glue, low melt and high melt. I think with the high melt glue you're PROBABLY ok, but the low melt might give you some issues. I used hot glue for a lot of DIY projects in the past, and the one thing I can say is it's not very durable. Great for a while, but has a tendancy to fail after time. Nice fixture though.

thanks meta i appreciate the input, i would give rep but i already gave to you recently so it wont let me... i bought these hot guns years ago from a dollar store or something..so im guessing that the glue that came with the cheapo gun is low melt.. i will probably scrape off 50% of the hardened glue and hit it with some gorilla glue or a high temp resistant glue..

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Digging the box, lh. Looks good.

thanks Simian, i drew out a shitload of blueprints before even thinking about picking up any appliances., i have learned alot just from reading up on this site.. so for that i thank you all... rep++ for droppin by ..thanks bro

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
ok so i just tracked my beans on USPS.com yesturday and they were only a few states over...about a 5 hour drive from here... so im praying that they get here today.. if not then i bet they will be here by tommorow..

*** Just want to refresh everyone whos been following up with this thread..this journal is dedicated to the beans i am currently waiting to arrive, the small plant i have flowering now is just to pass time, I only took it off a friends hands because he asked me to., but enough of that.. I just woke Becky up 40 minutes ago, i just bought a timer so im going to throw it on the box tonight., Becky is looking very healthy and green.. pistils are starting to grow on the lower bud sites and trichs are slowly starting to multiply... I have been watering every other day ( or when soil is very dry ) with bottled spring water mixed with a tiny bit of flowering nutrients...
soil is fox farm ocean forest, and the wattage she is receiving is very low ( PC box's can only hold so many bulbs )..overall, im happy with Becky's growth.. the humidity has been at a constant 20%.. thought this would be a problem but Becky seems to be doing just fine.. i do not own a PH meter but i plan on picking one up asap..
ill post some pics of her up in a little while..

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
just tracked my order again and THEY ARE IN MY HOMETOWN!!! mail should be here by 12:clap: i hope they got here safe.. i regret not adding the shipping guarantee :dunce:
... assuming the beans are healthy, i will be germinating 2-3 to start this journal off..



Well-Known Member
There are many things that can cause that. I would recommend looking at the marijuana plant problems forum also. I would venture to say you have a ph problem. Do you have a ph meter and are you ph adjusting your water? Thats a good place to start. having soil ph off can make life hell for any plant. Also what is your water and feed schedule. How often do you use nutes and how much?

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
There are many things that can cause that. I would recommend looking at the marijuana plant problems forum also. I would venture to say you have a ph problem. Do you have a ph meter and are you ph adjusting your water? Thats a good place to start. having soil ph off can make life hell for any plant.
nope i dont have a PH meter.. i know its very important but money is really tight for me at the moment, ill pick one up on payday...thanks for the advice Arch

I water every other day or when the soil is dry.. i added a little tiny bit of nutes ( about a soda cap filled ) into a poland spring water bottle, so it gets nutes every watering.. a very small amount of nutes at that.. i only added a tiny bit of nutes to the water because FFOF feeds plants up to 30 days.. i dident want to add to much nutes the first time feeding her. so i will add a bit more to each bottle that she consumes

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Looking good so far Lee keep it up man
thanks brotha.. seeds arrived :]
DSC01579.JPGDSC01580.JPGfive bubba kush and four freebies..one Power skunk, one anestesia, one osiris, and one tutanhamon..???
anyone ever grow out any of these strains???? rep+

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
got a bubba kush seed germinating as well as a blackberry seed both feminized.. traded my buddy a blackberry for bubba kush.. will update once their done germinating..SO ANXIOUS:wall:
i dont know wether to germinate one more.. you fellas think 3 plants would fit comfortably in the cabinet on page 1?? or should i just go with 2??? rep+ for some insight. thanks boyz
got a bubba kush seed germinating as well as a blackberry seed both feminized.. traded my buddy a blackberry for bubba kush.. will update once their done germinating..SO ANXIOUS:wall:
i dont know wether to germinate one more.. you fellas think 3 plants would fit comfortably in the cabinet on page 1?? or should i just go with 2??? rep+ for some insight. thanks boyz
Patience is a virtue..lol! I personally would stick with two for now and utilize all your space! Knowing that all 4/4 of my seeds took as well as they did I'm regretting not doing two at a time since it's 100% personal use! but on the other hand it just leaves me the opportunity to cure half of it twice as long just to see the difference.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
Patience is a virtue..lol! I personally would stick with two for now and utilize all your space! Knowing that all 4/4 of my seeds took as well as they did I'm regretting not doing two at a time since it's 100% personal use! but on the other hand it just leaves me the opportunity to cure half of it twice as long just to see the difference.
Thanks man I appreciate the advice..I'm going to take your word and just go with 2 plants for now.. I plan on hitting up a thrift store to look for a bigger cabinet..possibly a dresser or something...eventually I will just use my cabinet I have now as a veg box..

Update on becky- not much change since the last pictures .. I'm kind of confused.. I know plants double to triple in size while in flower but I have seen extremely little to no vertical growth the past couple weeks.. I keep the plant very close to the lights.. Any ideas??

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
alright so we got 2 seeds germinating right now... BUBBA KUSH & NIRVANA's BLACKBERRY both feminized

i tried 2 different methods for each seed... i folded a few damn paper towels up for the Bubba seed and threw it in a ziplock baggy with a little air still in it for moisture..

for the Blackbeery bean i folded a few damn papertowels inside 2 plates stacked over each other with the top plate upside down ...

..it has been 3 days since day 1 germinating and the blackberry popped out a little root..no sign on the bubba kush yet..
ill be planting both in FFOF once the Bubba pops out a root.. any suggestions on how long i should run lights for the first few days ?