Other Governors Who Weren't Qualified To Become President ...


New Member
Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81

James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802

Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821

Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829

William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13

John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26

James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41

Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65

Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77

Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85

William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96

Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900

William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04

Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13

Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33

James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75

William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92

George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000

You fail to admit that Obama was also a state senator after he was a community organizer.

I will submit that Obama and Biden are much more qualified to be president that Palin.... Vi all you are doing with Palin is voting with your dick.
You fail to admit that Obama was also a state senator after he was a community organizer.

I will submit that Obama and Biden are much more qualified to be president that Palin.... Vi all you are doing with Palin is voting with your dick.

Get off of that voting with my dick shit, Dank. ~lol~ That's ridiculous and you know it. :weed:

I'm voting for Palin because she's a conservative ... and the only true conservative in the race who has a chance of winning. Yes, I know that Ron Paul is a conservative ... but he has no chance of winning.

Hey, when B. Hussien O'Bama and his running mate Joe Biden start talking about free markets, a smaller, less intrusive government, like Palin is, then I will consider voting for them. I'm not going to hold my breath though.

and why are you voting for McCain for President
Exactly, I thought the election was for president not VP, but these knothead liber.....republicans are all about Palin. Actually that's good. when the truth comes out about Sarah, they'll be outsmarted again.
Hey VI,

Just cause a senile old man with Alzheimer's was president.. doesn't mean it was right..

do you undertsand that?

Just cause we elected one fook stick doesn't mean we should elect 2 more.

Your logic is pathetic at the most... and I am being nice

Just cause you ate sunflower seeds, shell and all... and they tore your arse wide open when you shat them out.. doesn't mean it is right?

eventually you stopped eating the shells.. right?

have some decent points or arguments that have some sophistication/logic or shut the fuck up..


thank you
Hey VI,

Just cause a senile old man with Alzheimer's was president.. doesn't mean it was right..

have some decent points or arguments that have some sophistication/logic or shut the fuck up..

I thought that with your last idiotic post with your personal attacks against me that you understood ... but I guess not.

Here's the way it works: You attack me, I attack back. You don't attack me, I don't attack you. Deal?

Now shut the fuck up with the personal attacks. :finger:

Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81

James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802

Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821

Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829

William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13

John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26

James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41

Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65

Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77

Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85

William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96

Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900

William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04

Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13

Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33

James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75

William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92

George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000


I think you're confused again Vi. It's not the fact that she was a Governor that hurts her. It's the fact that she was only a Governor for 2 years. Are you honestly going to compare Sarah Palin to Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Decleration of Independence? Andrew Jackson? That's ridiculous even for you. Sarah Palin's lack of experience isn't a discussion that's being debated. It's a fact that they are accepting and hoping her views will carry her.
Hey VI,

Just cause a senile old man with Alzheimer's was president.. doesn't mean it was right..

do you undertsand that?

Just cause we elected one fook stick doesn't mean we should elect 2 more.

Your logic is pathetic at the most... and I am being nice

Just cause you ate sunflower seeds, shell and all... and they tore your arse wide open when you shat them out.. doesn't mean it is right?

eventually you stopped eating the shells.. right?

have some decent points or arguments that have some sophistication/logic or shut the fuck up..


thank you

Cause and correlation seems to be the weakest link in your logic chain, NoM....among others.:shock: Just cause you ate sunflower seeds, "shell and all", before getting your arse tore up by Bubba, NoM, doesn't mean it was the seeds, "shell and all", that made that next morning shat unbearable, NoM. Bubba said he heard you screaming......:hump:
I thought that with your last idiotic post with your personal attacks against me that you understood ... but I guess not.

Here's the way it works: You attack me, I attack back. You don't attack me, I don't attack you. Deal?

Now shut the fuck up with the personal attacks. :finger:


there were no personal attacks..

just personal facts...
Cause and correlation seems to be the weakest link in your logic chain, NoM....among others.:shock: Just cause you ate sunflower seeds, "shell and all", before getting your arse tore up by Bubba, NoM, doesn't mean it was the seeds, "shell and all", that made that next morning shat unbearable, NoM. Bubba said he heard you screaming......:hump:

What ?

never mind. i don't even care