other growing sites?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what r some other sites with good info and helpful, friendly ppl. This site has been good to me but over the past cpl mnths I find the skilled ppl not on here so much. Questions r often unanswered here whether its mine or sum1 elses. Lately its jus the same questions over and over agn and I wanna expand on my tequnice rather then hear about attitudes service. Thnx RR


Well-Known Member
i poked around skunkschool for a while cuz simpsonsampson turned me on to it, but i like it here more

i know what you mean, all the best members have moved on, got banned or just stopped posting. i remember brick top always had the best and most informative responses to any question


Well-Known Member
Thnx guys and ya ppl like brick top made a difference. He's got some very long posts but all informative. Its been like this since xmas ide say. Up untill then there was lotsa info being passed around. Now it seams more like toke and talk shit


Well-Known Member
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums (seems like a decent forum with intelligent people).