Other plants in grow room?


Well-Known Member
What else is everyone growing under cfl/led lights other than ganja? Also what are you favorite foods to grow indoor under led or cfl if you are not right now? Just making space and realized that I have an extra closet That would make the perfect indoor edible garden(no pun intended) hah.


Well-Known Member
So far I'm thinking tomatoes, jalapeño peppers, bell peppers, lettuce... I'm open to pretty much anything will probably be soil for the most part maybe a small aqua phonic set up not sure yet
I have tomatoes, thyme, bell peppers, and jalepenos in my room. Also cat grass and cat nip for my cats. Check out the cat grass if you have cats, I get a wheat variety and they love it. I let it grow for maybe a few days after it's sprouted, and put it in a sunny place in the house.


Well-Known Member
I put droopy looking house plants under the lights if I have room. I usually don't have room though.


Well-Known Member
I know this thread has been quiet All summer but now that its winter, maybe we will see more interest.
I just found this thread now as I'm moving everything indoors for the winter and will be growing a number of plants inside.
Tomatoes, peas and peppers and A shit ton of different lettuces. All hydro.

I plan on recycling my hydro water from my cannabis room to reuse in my vegetable garden.


Well-Known Member
I just have herbs right now, basil, parsley and oregano but looking to add chili peppers and maybe jalapenos... but I just started growing indoors this September. I like the idea of tomatoes, but room is a concern right now, but making plans to grow the grow space...