Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener


Well-Known Member
Transplant update.

So I've managed to get the 3 photo plants into 18L's.

Ran out of coco and perlite. Lol.

Trip Tuesday to get another bag as once the clones have rooted they will need a total of 20L between them so I'm gonna drop for another 50L bag of coco.

Total time 30 mins per plant to mix 80/20 with perlite, back fill and pot up along with a feeding.

All plants received 1.0EC. I know the buffer of the coco is 1.5. Next watering in a few days will be at about 1.2EC.





Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics from Tuesday.

I'll update later today with some current pics.

One of the critical+ plants started to develop a Ca issue.

So I've added a deficiency strength Ca mix to all plants. Mono Ca added at 0.8EC.

I've also increased feeding EC to 1.3 up from 1.0.

All plants have responded really well as you'll see tonight.

Once my 5 clones have fully rooted (getting colour fade on them now to tell me roots are starting) then they'll be potted up and everything will be flowered.

Hi and lo temp and RH shots too.




Well-Known Member
I've kind of decided to not actual LST these plants to continue their mainline training.

I'm just going to flower them and trim them up etc then if any leaders climb higher than others I will LST them to be level again.



Well-Known Member
So this is what the other side of the fence looks like, seems a pretty groovy place to be. Just saying a hello to all of you on my way through. I like all the lovely lady pics/porn floating about..........next time I'm back, I'll have my entrance 'fee' in picture form for you all.

Welcome to the other side.

There isn't as much traffic in here these days.

Only a dedicated few keeping it going.



Well-Known Member
Jon & Big- nice job keeping the thread going. Excellent pics of the grows, I expect nothing less from you guys.

Nothing new going on with me over the last month or two. Just chillin' and minding my business.

Welcome to the thread Ishra.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, been out for awhile, but now that temps will start coming down I finally got around to putting together a little hydro setup. I hope all is good, and everyone is staying out of the wrong kind of trouble. Pros, have you gotten around to firing up your a51 again?


Well-Known Member
Well lookie what the cat dragged in!....lol
Thanks Bak!;)
Good to see your still around!Are you gonna be starting any new grows?
Thanks bro!

I'm just gonna try a couple bagseed from about 19 years ago, and see if they'll pop.
I'm not ready to order any yet, and have given away all my 'good shit that I had acquired over time.