Ottawa might try to prohibit homegrown pot - if the media even thinks so...

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member
Ottawa might try to prohibit homegrown pot
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government warns legalized recreational marijuana will be a strictly controlled substance — so much so that even homegrown weed may be prohibited.


Bill Blair, parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice, noted “the science is overwhelmingly clear that marijuana is not a benign substance.” He said that’s why Ottawa will be “ensuring that an effective and comprehensive regulatory framework is put in place to control the production, distribution, and the consumption of marijuana.” (SEAN KILPATRICK)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government warns legalized recreationalmarijuanawill be a strictly controlled substance — so much so that even homegrown weed may be prohibited.

Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott said the government is “taking a public health approach to the matter of the legalization and regulation of marijuana,” treating it like tobacco.

But in Ontario — despite strong anti-smoking laws — growing tobacco for personal consumption is allowed.

That raises questions about the efficacy of banning Canadians from cultivating marijuana at home for recreational use once it is legalized next year.

Kyle Bell, a medicinal cannabis advocate, said Monday that there is mounting concern that the federal Liberals may not allow anyone — even medical marijuana patients — to grow their own.

Bell noted Ottawa has until Aug. 24 to address a Federal Court ruling in B.C. that it’s unconstitutional to stop patients from growing cannabis and forcing them to buy it from Health Canada-licensed producers.

“They’re being very heavy-handed with it,” he said of the federal government’s moves.

In Colorado, where marijuana has been legal since 2014, state residents aged 21 and older can grow up to six plants each — to a maximum of 12 per household — with no more than three in the mature flowering stage at any time.
Some may be surprised to learn that in Ontario, the province’s Tobacco Tax Act allows adults to “produce and process for his or her own personal use, and not for sale, up to 15 kg of raw leaf tobacco per calendar year.”

Anyone who grows more than that amount of tobacco — or plans to sell their crop — must register with Queen’s Park and will be subject to inspections.

When former deputy prime minister Anne McLellan was named chair of the nine-member federal task force on marijuana legalization and regulation last Thursday, Philpott indicated cannabis could be treated like tobacco.

“It’s not uncommon for other substances to have regulation from the federal government, so as you know, there’s a Tobacco Control Act in place,” the health minister said.

Liberal MPP Bill Blair (Scarborough Southwest), the former Toronto police chief and a Trudeau lieutenant on the marijuana file, went further when asked if people would be allowed to grow their own pot.

“Unlike (growing) tomatoes, it is a substance that poses certain significant both social and health harms and risks to Canadians,” said Blair, noting “the science is overwhelmingly clear that marijuana is not a benign substance.”

He said that’s why Ottawa will be “ensuring that an effective and comprehensive regulatory framework is put in place to control the production, distribution, and the consumption of marijuana.”

Blair said the overarching goal of legalization is “protecting our kids, getting organized crime out of this trade . . . by reducing the violence and victimization they’re responsible for — and doing everything possible to ensure whatever is consumed by Canadians is as healthful as we can make it.”

That suggests Ottawa is leaning toward regulations for recreational marijuana similar to those governing medicinal cannabis, which is already legal in Canada.

Such marijuana is available with a prescription from a medical doctor and is supplied by 33 Health Canada-licensed producers and delivered by registered mail.

The storefront “dispensaries” — more than 100 of which have popped up on Toronto streets in recent months — are illegal and are not licensed by Ottawa to provide medical marijuana.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said Thursday that even though legalization looms, “the current criminal laws on marijuana remain in force.”

“Production and possession of marijuana are illegal unless it has been authorized for medical purposes. The Government of Canada supports efforts by federal, provincial and municipal law enforcement to enforce these laws,” said Wilson-Raybould, in an apparent reference to recent police crack downs against the weed shops.

At Queen’s Park, Premier Kathleen Wynne has a dozen provincial departments forging a strategy on the impact of legalized recreational cannabis — examining health effects, road safety, and tax implications.

“We will work with the federal government as we develop in Ontario the complementary distribution network,” the premier said last week.

Wynne has repeatedly said she wants the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, the province’s booze monopoly, involved in retailing in order to keep weed out of the hands of children and teenagers.

Read more about:
Kathleen Wynne, Justin Trudeau,Marijuana

Well boys and girls, what did we learn about lying today ?
Apparently, to become prime minister of Canada you should lie to get elected.
So what did we learn about cannabis? That's right, Justin lied about that too. He said it is harmful to youth but is unable to show any proof. Not like children using tobacco and booze - which is of no concern.

I believe on another site someone talked about the judges decision and the way its worded whether intentional or just an oversight would allow HC to severally restrict licenses if they make access to cannabis easier. Wonder if they would all LP store fronts. They would kill two birds with one stone, make license access very restrictive and basically wipe out dispensaries overnight.

Lets get one thing straight here, this was a coup to take cannabis by those who jailed people for growing/selling it and now they are going to profit from it and put even more people into jail for taking away/getting in way of their new profits.
The more I read from various sources, the less I see med grows - just aint happening - kinda like Justin wont get re elected. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO !!!
Canada needs a different form of government - crooks - they are all the same. They make Bernie Madoff look like a two-bit punk. Justin is the second generation of his family to use Canadians for their personal gain - big shock I know.
I believe on another site someone talked about the judges decision and the way its worded whether intentional or just an oversight would allow HC to severally restrict licenses if they make access to cannabis easier. Wonder if they would all LP store fronts. They would kill two birds with one stone, make license access very restrictive and basically wipe out dispensaries overnight.

Lets get one thing straight here, this was a coup to take cannabis by those who jailed people for growing/selling it and now they are going to profit from it and put even more people into jail for taking away/getting in way of their new profits.

Yep. The paragraph about 'This case does not turn on a right to grow' leaves the door open, but the justifications for restricting grows were the good part of the ruling.

Essentially, if they do restrict grows an immediate challenge can be brought in that they don't have reasons for restricting them. So something that can probably be won, but it'll take a whole other court case, which likely won't be heard until 'legalization'.
I would really like to get my hands on the overwhelming scientific studies about mj not being a benign substance. Seems to me there may be some studies that have been recently dusted off...or maybe who's with me on they're going to fuck this up? Putting Blair anywhere near this issue, was the first biff....restricting and controlling will be the next. ...blah blah blah...taking a healthful, fentanyl, morphine. blah blah blah...and then there is mj....that toxic, child, family ruining many fucking adult Canadians are coming home from work every day and sparking a fatty...only to get up and do it all again the next day....
this is who I see when I see JT selling us a dream

and this is what I see.... It is a proven fact that politicians that have been guillotined lie a lot less than those who were is a scientific fact. Hey I just got an idea for a selfie for Justin bongsmilieHey guillotines are proven to work that's all I am trying to say.......What are you doing for the next 420 celebration - stop by and make a day out of it. Bring the kids too, as they should see what lying does and why they should not do it.
how many fucking adult Canadians are coming home from work every day and sparking a fatty...only to get up and do it all again the next day....
well if you ask uNcLe bIlL he will tell you mostly the same ones that get kids high, they work in the "black market", and drive over people on the way home from buying "illegal pot" from an "illegal dispensary". Those ones ??? According to bill they are everywhere.
one real tough issue for our feds(:

The sick win out against anything they have to say in court as what they are saying is pure 100% bullshit and easily seen as NOT TRUE once back in court . :)

They'll never learn. They have to be told and forced themselves! They're playin the game !

They'll have to let the left outs grow as well!! ;) and anyone else for that matter!!
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If the Canada gov wants to do things backwards it will be their loss in the end.
The fact is they can not control it now when it is illegal, what makes them think they can do so in the future in a legal market? Just ask any hydro shop owner is business is booming, most will say yes.

If they put forth a system that does not make sense we the people will speak with our actions. All this talk about how "Dangerous" cannabis is is total BS, they know it, we know it the world knows it.
Forcing us to buy it from them will not work, it is super easy to grow, we live in an internet era when information is at your finger tips, you can go on Instagram, youtube, google etc and see people safely growing all across north America. Seeds have always been easy to get, the point of going Legal is to make a system that goes with what Canada wants, we spoke with our vote so if they do not give us what we want, we will do it anyways, we our not asking for a lot, just the right to grow a plant in freedom.

At the end of the day you can say what you want, but if it does not reflect what is reality then your just fooling yourself.
You can say people over 25 only, but people under 25 will simply shoulder tap or worse buy from a BM,
If you do not let people grow their own you will get otherwise law abiding Canadians still being criminals that will not fly well with us citizens, specially if you have multi nationals coming here and trying to make profits off of us.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH as Canadians we need to grow a pair of balls and demand more, we get fleeced on everything, from Cellphone plans(USA unlimited plans for 25$), Gas prices, Alcohol, Cigarettes(pack in Alabama is 3$) they let the 407 highway in Ontario fleece hardworking Canadians out of billions(they wanted 39k from me settled for 10k). NOT MY CANNABIS.

Fact is by allowing homegrown they will slow down the BM and the dangerous that come with it, if everyone has a few plants then why will the "Gangsters" need houses full? also if you can buy it storefront as well as growing some, then for sure why would anyone even want to grow for a BM?

Anyways I am kind of rambling a bit, point is, they have not succeed yet in controlling cannabis, how does anyone think they will ever control it, fact is CANNABIS is natures gift to us the people, it is sort of like a little Fuck You to the Gov courtesy of Mother Nature, a plant that offers so much happiness to people and is relatively easy to grow and produces tons of seeds lol what a joke, good luck trying to control this one, you never have and never will.

Hey I just had a good idea, I know how we can stop criminals and gangsters in Canada, I also know how we can stop illegal guns in Toronto, you ready for it???? here it comes......

Why don't you guys in Ottawa create a Gang and Gun Task force, take all your hungry to bust a peaceful pothead police officers and put them in the Gang and Gun Task force, go raid 100 known gang hangouts, get dogs that can sniff for guns and gun powder instead of cannabis, the fact is I do not know of any children who died from Cannabis ever, but I know that young men in the city are actually killing each other and it is spilling over to regular citizen, now even regular people with no gang ties are getting hit in the cross fire, it is out of hand, Toronto is looking more like a mini Chicago if they took every helicopter used to look for cannabis and them on on Gang and Gun hot spots, took all the cannabis grow police and put them in Toronto, I but you could actually save some lives.

I have to run but I will continue my rant later................
they couldn't legalize of work on medical because there were no studies and now there are studies....who's telling the truth?
now that they have agreed to legalize, the "mysterious" studies are coming out....they think we are that dumb
they couldn't legalize of work on medical because there were no studies and now there are studies....who's telling the truth?
now that they have agreed to legalize, the "mysterious" studies are coming out....they think we are that dumb

Problem is they are not really accountable to anyone once they're in office as long as they don't break any laws or ethics they'll do what that want. For now the BM will flourish but I'm really interested in seeing what legalization will do to small towns that rely on the BM. Wonder if we'll see dead towns like Norther BC with mill shutting down and Fraser Canyon as the Coquihalla killed the small town tourist motels/business
Oops... late to the party and posted an identical thread.

Anyway... we need to get ahead of this and be real vocal about it. A good start is the list that @VIANACHRIS has started with the patronage that is going on in the industry. (notice the name of the article's writer, I believe the same has done a number of similar articles) It goes a long, long way towards explain the why for the dispensary raids and the direction that legislation is heading.

The Task Force announcement the other day included something that politicians do often when they want to test the waters on a subject. They knew they would be asked about homegrows at that press conference and they floated a political weather balloon by implying that homegrows would be banned. That was a test to see what kind of blow back there would be. It's time to blow back... and hard.

All else aside, we have a strong argument for homegrows just on the homebrew platform and the tobacco thing. But this list of insiders and the conflict of interest that it implies will make it that much stronger...
ENOUGH is ENOUGH as Canadians we need to grow a pair of balls and demand more, we get fleeced on everything, from Cellphone plans(USA unlimited plans for 25$), Gas prices, Alcohol, Cigarettes(pack in Alabama is 3$) they let the 407 highway in Ontario fleece hardworking Canadians out of billions(they wanted 39k from me settled for 10k). NOT MY CANNABIS.

I concur. People need to start getting pissed off. Grow some balls and throw some rocks and flaming bottles. I hate to say it, but that seems to be the only way to get them to listen