So I guess this is another example of how Justin reneges on another promise. He swore he was going to start doing right by our vets after all the crap Herr Harper pulled on them and then pulls this crap. Standard practice tho as every administration since WWI has treated our vets like beggars instead of the heroes they are.
Gov't wants to keep the price of pot high so they can rake in more taxes but doesn't want to cough up retail when they get the bill. Hellth Canada still claims there is no medical use for pot because they are afraid if they actually told the truth then people will start demanding it get paid for as part of their other medical expenses and that would bankrupt the medical system. Let the free market dictate prices and anyone grow their own and pot prices will drop into the basement.
The high prices charged by LPs are partly because of the ridiculous and costly hoops they have to jump through. Imagine what a bottle of hooch would cost if distillers had to have the security systems and other stupid controls in place like LPs do. Not that I have any love for LPs and will never buy a gram off them but the whole thing is back-assward and if they want to get rid of the black market they are doing it wrong.
Excellent letter you wrote
VIANARCHRIS and you deserve more than one little like from each of us for it!
I hope that everyone who voted for Trudeau the 2nd takes turns kicking each others butts forcibly and repeatedly. Just another lying Liberal like they've always been. No better than the gang of thugs they replaced.
Could use some updated smilies here too and I've got a bunch.