OttawaLiquid's Organic Soil - Querkle, AK-47xBlockhead and Blueberry


Well-Known Member
seems like your already going the fastest route..theres a million therois out ther ebut none proven to be accurate enough to utilize. alot of times males will show before females though so if your about 2.5 weeks in and get a male or 2 and rest are being stubborn good chance they are females.


Active Member
Querkles are all doing great as is the one AK-47xblockhead (1 didn't make it.. I've planted the blueberry in the square planter in to the left with all the verm in it..

Hopefully she takes in the next couple of days.. Going to run these on 18/6 until Christmas and then switch em to 12/12 while I'm away for a week

2012-07-25 22.12.03.jpg


Active Member
really? Hmm.. I'm worried about the cold temperatures from the concrete floor...

maybe I could get a piece of styrofoam to insulate it.. I did that last time around... I'll likely take her out once I get the last little cotyledon poking out.

Thanks for the tip

I've set my lights off period for during the day.. so at least at that time the furnace is on and the house is warm...and night we let the thermostat go down to 17 so its probably about 15 or 14 in the basement and maybe even colder on the floor


Well-Known Member
how cold are the soil be honest root zones prefer a bit cooler temps. think about mother nature, have you ever buried your hands in HOT beach sand and founs it cool or cold below the surface? same goes with most top soils, the root zone is always cooler than surface temps. seeds like surface temps because thats where they start thier journey....get where im going here? do a little reading on it though cuz im just giving my personal theroies im no expert on the subject.


Active Member
yeah it makes sense.. although when lights are off the temperature of the soil tends to be higher than that of the ambient air temp... .. not sure how cold my basement floor really is.. probably should stop agonizing over stupid shit and just let them grow :D


Well-Known Member
yeah or like you said just place them on a insulator like the styrofoam that way the cold temps of the concrete dont effect them and you dont need the seedling mat....

i dunno im just talking out my ass anyways man lol


Active Member
Hey Y'all.. sorry for the lack of updates.. just got back from a week's vacay

My growth seems to have stopped?? I'm thinking that my soil is too compacted perhaps? would that really halt the growth? Maybe its the damn 250..

I didn't water for the week but I watered before leaving.... I just got my first set of true leaves which I had... some of the other leaves are yellowing however.. not sure what this is from.. I"ll try to post photos later.


Active Member
So I was just about ready to give up on my little seedlings.. couldn't figure out why they weren't growing..

Biggest rookie mistake ever! I had my 250 way too close to them and although I wasn't burning them I think the light was too intense (which i've read before but never experienced)

Feel like a total noob.

Anyway.. I lifted the light way up (about 3 feet away from the plants, it was like 10 inches away before) and I've got new growth already after two days.

Pretty sad that I started this grow over a month ago and I'm basically on day one.. but can't believe the little weed survived.


Active Member
could be in part drainage issues.
Could be drainage issues but the light was definitely not helping.. I was definitely given em too much light.. the temps were good but I think the light was just too intense for them.. I had it way close.. I'm brewing a little 2 litre tea right now with molasses, rockdust, bonemeal and bat guano and a little soil... hoping that that and 24/7 but way less intense light helps them out a little...

dumb idiot


Active Member
It's not pictured here but I did a little AACT (the thing in the middle) let some soil, bone meal, bat guano and molasses bubble for 2 days..

Then I transplanted all the bitches with the addition of some Myco's