ounce limit (plant)


Well-Known Member
Are there going to be special "Over-The-Limit" patrols and raids on hobby gardeners? I'm not that worried about weed anymore -even breaking the law about it....I'm sure the limited funds would be better spent, elsewhere. I think that if a person is discreet, then most law enforcement isn't going to bother them. But, lots of people aren't discreet.
Typically, I grow......*wait for it*...............ABOUT A POUND per run. :) My last grow produced ~12 ounces of finished/cured flower...
...There are 28.5 grams in an ounce...So that's 12 X 28.5 = 342 grams this run....
...I smoke about 3.5 grams per week, on average, and there are 52 weeks in a year, so that's 3.5 X 52 = 182 grams...
As you can see, even with my small run, I still end up with almost double of what I can smoke in a given year.
The problem isn't me not having enough. The problem is that I love growing the plants! I love the technology. Spending time in the tent makes me meditative and calm. I love challenging myself to come up with better ways of doing things. I love all the challenges of drying and/or curing properly. I like looking for the "lost" landrace strains I used to smoke in the 70's...(haven't found anything even close yet)....
I'd LOVE to be able to obey the laws if they are reasonable, but some of these parameters are ridiculous, so I'll probably end up breaking the law in some way.


I'm sure there have been changes, but what I am trying to convey is that you can keep however much you grow from your legal plant count. You are not limited to an ounce per plant.
the plant itself can not produce more than an ounce by legal requirement. my last grow was under a oz from a dispensary clone.

conor c

Well-Known Member
its like 6 months in county jail xD long time to be sober
That's mental you get like a year or two max for a house full here and it ain't even legal at all sounds like the folks in charge really screwed you guys over there


I'm sure there have been changes, but what I am trying to convey is that you can keep however much you grow from your legal plant count. You are not limited to an ounce per plant.
pretty much the judge isnt saying shit to you though xD if your charged with intent your serving your time before you even get charged in my state


That's mental you get like a year or two max for a house full here and it ain't even legal at all sounds like the folks in charge really screwed you guys over there
a normal size basement is smaller than 100 sq ft xD how many plants can you fit into a house o.o ?


Well-Known Member
So glad NY waited for a while… we can grow 3 in veg and 3 in flower per adult/per household. That puts me at 6 each. And we can store 5 lbs… have 3 oz on a person. Less for concentrates.


Well-Known Member
Surely if you were only slightly over the limit and worst case they found out unless it's a fair bit over is it that big a issue would it not be a warning or a slap on the wrist?
From the California Department of Health; "Planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying or processing more than 6 cannabis plants, Punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $500 or both, or as an infraction with a fine of not more than $250."
So not more than six months OR a fine of not more than $500. Slap on wrist
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Well-Known Member
the plant itself can not produce more than an ounce by legal requirement. my last grow was under a oz from a dispensary clone.
I think it's smart not to trust what someone on a forum tells you. You should, as I did, talk to the folks in charge in your county(supervisors, planning department) and ask them about a one ounce per plant limit. When I talked with my county(Plumas) officials they explained that the one once possession does not apply to harvests from personal cultivation.

What strains are you thinking about growing, out of curiosity?


Well-Known Member
This is from the norml.org website, notice the part in bold.
Proposition 64, The Adult Use Marijuana Act, permits adults over 21 years of age who are not participating in the state’s medical cannabis program to legally grow (up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants). The law took effect on November 9, 2016.

It doesn't say, including all of the harvest from those plants up to an ounce per plant, it says including ALL of the harvest from those plants.
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It's UP TO six months and/or $500. $500 is a slap on the wrist.
the way the court system works the judge is going to just reschedule hearing till your 6 months is up xD they will take the 500 out of your books bro
plus a single ticket put you out of a legal cannabis job


This is from the norml.org website, notice the part in bold.
Proposition 64, The Adult Use Marijuana Act, permits adults over 21 years of age who are not participating in the state’s medical cannabis program to legally grow (up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants). The law took effect on November 9, 2016.

It doesn't say, including all of the harvest from those plants up to an ounce per plant, it says including ALL of the harvest from those plants.
not participating in the states medical cannabis program" Dx fine print a single period could change the context of the law and its use in a court of law which is all anyone cares about anyways xD


Well-Known Member
the way the court system works the judge is going to just reschedule hearing till your 6 months is up xD they will take the 500 out of your books bro
From the California Department of Health.
"Planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying or processing more than 6 cannabis plants, Punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $500 or both, or as an infraction with a fine of not more than $250."


Well-Known Member
Personally, I never grow over my legal limit, because I'm a weirdo I guess. And I don't sell pot, legal or otherwise.
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conor c

Well-Known Member
a normal size basement is smaller than 100 sq ft xD how many plants can you fit into a house o.o ?
Only some big old houses tend to have basements here and many old ones don't most houses here don't you be surprised what some pull off tho

From the California Department of Health; "Planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying or processing more than 6 cannabis plants, Punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $500 or both, or as an infraction with a fine of not more than $250."
So not more than six months OR a fine of not more than $500. Slap on wrist
Yeah so chances are unless you got major previous you will probably get a fine no jail time maybe if you been busted for growing a few times or they hate you then six months inside and a fine possibly worst case it sucks but it could be alot worse


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy who lived right in the middle of town next to a church at the corner where two streets crossed. He grew six huge 8 to ten foot bushes in plain view, with no visual barrier, no locked space, zero security in a horse paddock so the only thing between the public and the plants were 5 foot tall horse panels. There was a 1st through 12th grade school a block away. The kids from each grade would have to run or walk multiple laps around the block daily as part of their fitness program.
I used to work for him, I do landscaping and property management, and I used to get a kick out of watching all the teenagers with their teachers walking laps 30 feet away from massive pot plants with colas the size of your forearm. The ladies from the church would have their annual bake sale across the street out in the open within clear view of his plants and the whole town would come, nobody complained. He did that for years until he moved out and was never hassled by the law, or county officials, and was never stolen from.
He kept within the six plant limit but broke several other county ordinances as far as keeping them from public view and keeping them in a locked space.
I don't encourage anyone to flout the law, some counties are more punitive than others, but I thought this was an amusing anecdote that relates to this subject.

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
Some people just don't have the stomach or the nerve to take the chance . Some use the term "the balls" . Everyone needs to sleep at night . Different strokes for different folks .


From the California Department of Health.
"Planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying or processing more than 6 cannabis plants, Punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $500 or both, or as an infraction with a fine of not more than $250."
i'd side with just registering as a car giver bro much better to get a ticket and a smaller fine atleast you can expunge your record after so many years. most employers only care about the last couple of years.


Personally, I never grow over my legal limit, because I'm a weirdo I guess. And I don't sell pot, legal or otherwise.
i just avoid going to the cannabis shop as often as only spending a few hundred dollars a year on weed plus it keep me busy during the day. taxes are insane in my state xD