our govt. says there are no long term studies on Marijuana


Well-Known Member
my Dad was in security back in the late 60's and had a gig guarding the govt. marijuana crop at the experimental farm in Ottawa if I remember right they had 4 acres surrounded by a tall fence with razor wire then another one about 50 ft. away they had dogs between the two fences and four watch towers manned with guards. no guns just billy clubs he said groups of hippies would take turns rushing it thinking they could not get all of them and the waves would go all night. did they grow this just to look at it or were they studying it? it is the experimental farm after all run by the Canadian Govt.
my Dad was in security back in the late 60's and had a gig guarding the govt. marijuana crop at the experimental farm in Ottawa if I remember right they had 4 acres surrounded by a tall fence with razor wire then another one about 50 ft. away they had dogs between the two fences and four watch towers manned with guards. no guns just billy clubs he said groups of hippies would take turns rushing it thinking they could not get all of them and the waves would go all night. did they grow this just to look at it or were they studying it? it is the experimental farm after all run by the Canadian Govt.
With most mj studies all they are trying to prove is adverse effects instead of medical benefit... My 2 cents
The large tobacco companies had or still have fields of it in Quebec as well.
The research argument is just stupid.
The USA claims it has no medicinal value yet they own the patent on thc as a medicine.

Just the other day a friend and I were talking about this very subject and it was his opinion that perhaps that's why health Canada refers to mj as marihuana as opposed to marijuana. The h obviously isn't for health but maybe it circumvents certain laws or payouts by being misspelled... Or we were just really medicated
The University of Guelph has been growing MJ in a guarded section in one of their greenhouse on Gordon St. since the early 90s. Seen it with my own eyes making a delivery of Fert's....never heard why?
I wish I did have pics.
My dad was a trucker for 30 plus years and one of his main customers was imperial tobacco and to this day he swears that they had multiple fields fenced in and guarded.
I tried google earth but couldn't find em but have read other things on the internet about it.
Tobacco companies eh. That's new to me but not surprising.

They're for sure all about the money. I just wonder what their intentions are. Perhaps they're stalk piling for legalization? A pack of Players Kush king size?

Maybe they were growing it for use in the studies?
Tobacco companies eh. That's new to me but not surprising.

They're for sure all about the money. I just wonder what their intentions are. Perhaps they're stalk piling for legalization? A pack of Players Kush king size?

Maybe they were growing it for use in the studies?
You may not be far off. Why wouldn't a tobacco company research a way of maximizing profits by selling packs of outdoor schwag doobies when things go legal? My question would be how they obtained the permit.
You may not be far off. Why wouldn't a tobacco company research a way of maximizing profits by selling packs of outdoor schwag doobies when things go legal? My question would be how they obtained the permit.
I was questioning that as well. As far as I know up until the MMPR, prairie plant systems held the only large scale production license , aside from a few university studies, though I could be wrong. Clearly I am!
You may not be far off. Why wouldn't a tobacco company research a way of maximizing profits by selling packs of outdoor schwag doobies when things go legal? My question would be how they obtained the permit.

If the LP's are fighting for Rec market share now, just wait until Big T comes rolling into town. Big T is ready to go with Rec MJ you can be sure. Permits? Once legal, Big T can buy all the permits it wants.

Do you know you need to have a license just to own an industrial cigarette manufacturing machine?

I don't think too many LPs have those machines laying around. ;)
If the LP's are fighting for Rec market share now, just wait until Big T comes rolling into town. Big T is ready to go with Rec MJ you can be sure. Permits? Once legal, Big T can buy all the permits it wants.

Do you know you need to have a license just to own an industrial cigarette manufacturing machine?

I don't think too many LPs have those machines laying around. ;)
I was thinking along the same lines as nsbudca, why has no one heard of it and why were we told PPS was the only grower? Legalization is going to be fascinating to watch play out. As long as we can all grow what we need, it's just entertainment watching one greedy commercial grower destroy another. Big T is no doubt a silent player.
When you actually think about it Big T is best positioned for taking over the retail MJ market.

Consider tobacco farmers barely scrape out an meager living, yet Big T makes $B's/year off them. Same thing can be said for barley/hops farmers, bare minimum bushel rates, yet distilleries make $B's/year as well.

So from that perspective growing MJ will not be that profitable once the dusts settles. It's the end product, massed produced, packaged and distributed for sale that's worth the $$$.

Things that make you go hmmmm??
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All these multi $M LP's, growing a plant indoor under lights. Big carbon footprint that cost huge $$ to operate. In 10 years it will likely be Canadian farmers growing kind MJ under the sun and selling to Big T.