Out of Control Hobby Addicted to Gardening

i havent smoked herb in over 5 months and ive been growin 4 of them....whats does this mean:wall:........
yeah, about that attic thing, if you get snowfall in your area you might want to not run with it during the winter because it will look very shady that your roof is the only snowless one on the block
dude i know exactly how you feel. i started growing BEFORE i ever smoked. Its weird, but i love growing probably more than any thing else, almost more than smoking.

I had to stop recently, (college, dorms, etc...) and i hate every second im not growing.

Its a fun hobby and i have learned alot about patience and what not. Just remember that having fun growing isnt worth going to jail for a long time, dont grow too many plants or you will get caught and you will be sorry.... jus my 2 cents
dude i know exactly how you feel. i started growing BEFORE i ever smoked. Its weird, but i love growing probably more than any thing else, almost more than smoking.

I had to stop recently, (college, dorms, etc...) and i hate every second im not growing.

Its a fun hobby and i have learned alot about patience and what not. Just remember that having fun growing isnt worth going to jail for a long time, dont grow too many plants or you will get caught and you will be sorry.... jus my 2 cents
to be honest i just got tired of buying the shit,dry spells,haggling,or this is some killer,i got the 2 toke,this is some red hair,or supposed to be dro or sensesimila.and most of the time it all came out of the same brick just some dope pushers trying to sell some grass to get out of work,,im pretty sure most all of it came from mexico any way and really dont wont any more of my money going there when i can be the grower, supplier and the smoker,besides this 1st batch i have coming up and let my brother sample will be just as good if not better than the crap ive been wasting my dollars on for the last 10 yrs,,,and it dont look nothing like some of the high quality buds ive seen on here.....heh some pennies
yeah, about that attic thing, if you get snowfall in your area you might want to not run with it during the winter because it will look very shady that your roof is the only snowless one on the block

Vented out the chimney. The Attic is full sized many of the attics in this area have been into dens and extras bedroom. It is like having a third floor.
I find tieing a plant down produces much more yield. I also like to experiment with different trims, although trimming slows growth it is sometimes necessary and Im starting to think it makes weed a lil bit stonier. This is indoor of course. My next experiment is using tape to close the big leaves instead of trimming to allow more light to the other tops. lol Hey u dont know yill ya try. Just trying different ways to manipulate your plants is fun heeee.
Have you tried adding other plants to your grow room? Tomatoes, or some fresh herbs? Growing everything is fun, it's not just limited to pot you know. :)

Yeah - I moved onto chillis too (I wanted some of the real hot ones and you can't get anything but Jalapenos and Scotch Bonnets readily in the supermarket...so I've now got a load of little 3-month old Dorset Naga plants and a tobasco...)
i started growing before i smoked by about 3 months, i took some seeds out into the woods at the end of my neighborhood and planted about 3 plants which i continually checked on and watered. i loved watching them grow but it wasnt a researched or thought out grow at all. stupid mistakes i made were a public location not very well hidden, i live too far north to get anything from a harvest before the frost kicks in.

the results of the plants... one eaten by animals, one ran over by a quad and one my friend forgot to water. but hey it was fun
Man I digs me some gardening...
I recently inherited the house I grew up in... was a little neglected.
Now were I used to live I never went outside except maybe to put out the trash or fetch the cats...

Now I am outside in the garden the whole time... Getting a proper tan for the first time in years. I keep on planting stuff every day. I even have pumpkin seeds germinateing with some Amnesia Haze. had a 100% germination after a bit of a heatwave for a day followed by a hot overcast humid day to keep the moisture in...

As an experiment I rolled one of the haze seeds into a small hole in a soil pot closed it up and tied a transparent bag over the top of the pot.

After just one day the soil seed is much further advanced than the ones still in the jar... It will probably come out of the soil tommorrow.

I intend to do a hybrid grow... sunlight in the day, flourecents for the evening. I have a lot of orchids and other plants so I end up repotting or moveing at least one plant a day... so nothing supicious... I also hand out free vegetables and vegetable seedlings to neighbours, so they have no clue...And when they get one, they will know I'm a good guy.
Maybe it is the thrill of keep something alive. Constantly keeping the cycle of life moving. Germ some, clone some, harvest some.