Out of weed

What would you do if you run out of weed, these days?

Well, considering this is a cannabis growing site, most here will likely respond simply with "grow some". Some growers will say "I foresaw the inevitable, so before I run out my next harvest will be ready".

Others will be like "Pull another brick out of the vacuum sealed freezer stash, while we wait for the next perpetual harvest to be done, dried and cured". I'm in this category :)
Just say damn!!! And buy some.. and come up with a plan so that it doesn’t happen again..but in this time I’ll use it wisely..comparing it to what I’ve grown .. either patting my self on the back.. or kicking myself in the ass, I’ll be honest with myself.
In the unlikely event I were to run out of my own weed I'd just walk to one of the dozens of dispensaries nearby.
I can't walk to any, but there are plenty nearby. Quarantine though (not me lol just in general) so more than likely i'd call one of the 5 million delivery services around. Damn living in NorCal has its benefits sometimes
I really really need this for medication, and I ran out once so...…….... I started growing one plant in a 3x3 tent, and quickly realize the amount I was growing would not be enough. Within a couple months I had another bigger although used and damaged tent (works great just light leaks so it is wrapped in black plastic) and more lights, moved the one plant into bigger tent. Then I harvested the one plant a couple months later at 713g. A couple months later I had a small clone/seedling tent. I currently had 400W of QB's and the 400ish Watts from the AGLEX2000, but I decide to start building more lights. The AGLEX now sits in my Veg tent and I have 1240Watts in my flower tent, 24 watts in my clone tent. I just got word from one of my supporters that my new tent arrived, not sure when I will get it though (60"x60"x(84"+12"), next couple days or sure. Time for more lights. Next harvest is end of May, so I just need to make it until then I should be ok. It is going to be extremely tight, and I will have to ration as I only have about 8oz left