Outbreak on my plant, Please help!


Well-Known Member
ya try to nute them next watering just 1/4 strenght then if they look ok 2 or 3 waterings from then or in about a week give them 1/2 mix. you did say they were about 4 weeks now?


Well-Known Member
4 weeks yesterday!!

Im gunna put them into flowering this week... Im thinking maybe even today

I watered them with distilled water last night, was not ballsy enough to try and nute them... next watering i will for sure... Im also going to start big bloom or open sesame this week


Well-Known Member
You need to PH adjust your water. if you're adding nutes the water will be acidic, if you're just using distilled the ph will be just a tad alkaline.

get a liquid PH meter and standardize all water that you feed the plants.


Well-Known Member
^ agreed. i have a realy good feeding schedule for most nute brands. i have folowed tese schedules and they are good.
are you going to use fox farms all the way through, and what nutes do you have or plan to buy and use.
i can look for that info and post it for you. it could be helpfull.


Well-Known Member
i found that schedule. i didn`t write this, i do know who he is and his info is always bang on correct. lot`s of good stuff here, it`s nice having a library of this info. i have others if your interested.


Product list:

Grow Big--$16
Tiger Bloom--$16
Big Bloom --$16
Open Seseme--$23
Beastie Bloom --$23
And the Optional : Bush Doctor Sledgehammer--$26

There is a 3-pack available for $65 of Open Sesame, Cha Ching and Beastie Bloom IF you can find it!

The last 4 Products are used in small quantities and only at specific times during the grow -- so if you know someone who wanted to go in on the 3-pack with ya, it would be worth it!

Here's the FoxFarms Feeding Schedule for Soil... Hydro is MUCH more complex, unless you use bubblersthen you can follow a Phasic feeding schedule (At end of weekly schedule!)


Sprouting and week 1--BigBloom 2TBS
week 2-- 2tsp Grow Big + 2TBS Big Bloom
Week 3--3tsp Grow Big + 2TBS Big Bloom
Week 4--JUST 3 tspGrow Big + 1/4 tsp Open Sesame
Week 5 same as week 4 unless going 12/12--

Week 5- OR--day 1 of 12/12-- 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Open Sesame
Week 6--same as above
Week 7-- 2 Tsp Grow Big + 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 8-- 2Tsp Grow Big + 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 9-- 2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Cha Ching
week 10-- Same as above
Week 11--2 tsp Tiger Bloom +1TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Cha Ching

At beginning of week 11--Check Trichomes-- Flush if ready.. otherwise, continue as with week 11 every week until you flush!

Also recomended--but not a nessesity--
Bush Doctor Sledgehammer (prevents lock-out)
use 2 drops per gallon of water between feedings starting in week 4 of 12/12

PHASIC SHEDULE: (per gallon)
(follow this for bubblers, OR you can use these amounts when watering in soilbut is not as good as the weekly schedule for soil!)

New Clones, or when seedlings get 3 sets of leaves- 1tsp Grow Big + 2tsp Big Bloom
Week 3 of veg (unless going 12/12) ADD 1tsp Grow big + 2 tsp Big Bloom
4 Days Before going 12/12- Add ¼ tsp Open Sesame
Day 1 of 12/12 Drain Reservoir & refill. Add 2 tsp Tiger Bloom + 1TBS Big Bloom + ½ tsp Open Sesame
Week 3 of 12/12Add ¼ tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 5 of 12/12Drain and refill reservoir Add 2 tsp Grow Big + 1 tsp Tiger bloom + 1 TBS Big Bloom + ¼ tsp Cha ching
3-5 Days Before harvest-- Drain and refill reservoir add 2 drops Sledgehammer

keep the res filled in between feedings with ph adjusted water--

The reasonFox Farms doesn't list nutes for weeks 2 & 4 is that it ASSUMES your res won't go down, so you won't NEED any additional nutes (if your res stays full- great!)..
but if the plants are pretty big, or the room is warm/dry-- they can need refilling up to 3-4x a week!!! The chart doesn't take that into account--
Remember-- feed AT MOST 1x each week-- only water in-between!
Use additional nutes from week one at 1/2 rate until in flower (between recomended feeds) then in flower-- for additional feeds, use the nutes from the 1st week of flower at 1/2 rate in between...again--NEVER feed more than 1x a week!

Bubblers MAY use the weekly Schedules-- BUT ONLY if you use an ec/ppm meter to keep the levels where they should be....
an ec around 1.2-1.5 in veg.. then 1.5 -1.7 in flower unlitt the last 2-3 weeks... then can go as high as 2.0. Watch yor plants! they'll tell you if you are over/under feeding!


Well-Known Member
Bonz, thats fuckin killer info man, im goin to print that out..

Thanks so fuckin much bonz, you have been a great help

I plan to use Fox Farm for the entire grow... I use their soil, their nutes... Hell, if they made WATER id use that too!!

So plants dont like distilled water? I thought distilled was the way to go?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so i pH'd the water and stuff.. here is what i got...

The distilled water (both containers) weighed in at 6.0

The water with the nutes however, came in at a 5.0

I know the ideal pH is 6.0-6.5... but is the 5.0 nute'd water bad for my plants?

if so what can i do to better the situation

Thanks for all your help


Well-Known Member
since your plants are in such small pot, you might want to get your plants out of the soil, and aerate the soil.

after you do that, i would put the water (w/o nutes) and flush your soil with your plant in some fresh breathing soil



Well-Known Member
you need to raise the ph to desired level before you feed them or you will end up locking up.


Well-Known Member
the PH of your distilled water is 6?

what PH meter are you using? are you sure it's calibrated and correct? do you have any standardizing PH solution to check it against?


Well-Known Member
with the lower leaves being yellow it needs nitrogen.Add nutes and ph it.Check the ph of the water the drains out of pottm of pot to see if you have adjust accordingly.


Well-Known Member
the pots drain perfectly..

I was going to put them in flowering this week... Do i need to transplant them into bigger pots before doing so??

And im using some pH droplet thing... you put the water or nutes in this tube and add 3-5 drops of this solution in and see what it comes out to..

It says

pH test Indicator

Wide spectrum from pH 4.0 to 8.5

do I need to use different water?


Well-Known Member
what am i doing wrong??

The plants look and smell great, aside from the small outbreak of yellowing...

i was going to start using Open Sesame by Fox Farm... I was also thinkin of adding CO2 to the grow room..


Well-Known Member
what ever final pot size you want do it before flower. co2 is good and just start the flowering schedule i posted for ya. cut that mix in the chart in half to start, start them slowly till they are healthier. less is better.