Outbreak on my plant, Please help!


Well-Known Member
Alright, so i had this one leave kinda curl... I thought it was the water that was left on the leave drying up from the light... but now its like spread

check it out..

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance




Well-Known Member
looks like by the way the leaves are splotchy green,I'd say you have nutrient in your soil and it is causing problems.Get some soiless from your local nursery and try that.


Well-Known Member
im using fox farm Ocean Forest

I dont get it... ff ocean is supposedly superb soil...

I havent even used grow big since before I transplanted them, which was 2 weeks ago..

How is it the nutrients in the soil?? I dont get it


Well-Known Member
I must have stumped everyone cause noone seems to be responding...

I just hope it doesnt fuck the plant up when i go into flowering...


Well-Known Member
Im using distilled water...

Ozarka to be more specific.

What is nute lock up? do i just need to flush it?

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
lock up is when you aren`t giving a wet/ dry cycle or to much nutes and they dont get used up and then they form salts in the soil and it looks loke a def. usualy more than one def. mine looked just like that in the begining.

how strong of nute mix. how often do you feed. and how often straight water. what size pots. how old.what is n/p/k of nute and soil


Well-Known Member
lock up is when you aren`t giving a wet/ dry cycle or to much nutes and they dont get used up and then they form salts in the soil and it looks loke a def. usualy more than one def. mine looked just like that in the begining.

how strong of nute mix. how often do you feed. and how often straight water. what size pots. how old.what is n/p/k of nute and soil
I use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil.. It has all sorts of good nutes for your plants... My other two plants look fine, and they are in the same soil, same watering, ect...

I water like every other day... Or whenever the soil feels bone dry.. And i only use pure distilled water... I have a jig of distilled mix with Fox Farms Grow Big nute, but i havent used that since like week two

They are all about 4 weeks old (still in veg)

I dont know the pH of my water or soil.. and i dont know the n/p/k

They are in larger pots.. I dont know what size

heres a better pic of all the plants in their pots.. What size do you think they are?

Thanks so much for all your help man



Well-Known Member
my geusse is that because you dont know the ph that is the problem. your water is fine but when you add nutes it ususly drops the ph. thats what happened to me. every time i fed them it got worse. a cheep liquid ph tester is about 8 bucks they are a must if using nutes. if you can afford a ppm pen or combo ppm/ ph are best but at least ph tester. my water was good ( mud 6 range) then when i added nutes it dropped to below 4.5 the lowest reading on tester, just added a couple drops of ph up and problem solved. after flushing of course.
if you decide to get one test water before nutes and after. get it in the mid 6`s. then when you flush take some of the run off and strain dirt and ph test that. it should be lower.


Well-Known Member
are you going to leave them in those pots for the rest of grow? dont know if you have drainage stones on the bottom but if you are going to transplant i would put something like those red landscaping stones in the bottom to help drain. about 2 to 3 inches


Well-Known Member
i was going to leave them in there for the rest of the grow... it has great drainage

is there anything i can do right now to help the plant? I dont want to fuck them up before i can flower them

also, if this doesnt clear up, what would it do to the plant when I flower it?


Well-Known Member
i would flush if you had a ph tester but if you flush you need to give a dose of nutes at the end of flush because you would have flushed anything in it out. but if you add nutes at the end your going to do the same thing because of no ph tester. i would just give straight water till then. has it been getting worse since you stopped nutes?


Well-Known Member
Just grow and don't worry it wil be all right.I still say your soil has a lot to do with it plus ph level of water might be an issue tooo.


Well-Known Member
i just wanna make sure it wont effect the buds.. this is on my best lookin plant, so i would hate for it to effect it overall

I guess Ill need to test the pH of everything and post it back up here...

Thanks for all your helps guys, I really do appreciate it



Well-Known Member
im using fox farm Ocean Forest

I dont get it... ff ocean is supposedly superb soil...

I havent even used grow big since before I transplanted them, which was 2 weeks ago..

How is it the nutrients in the soil?? I dont get it
I have ocean forest to and I have used full strength nutes since clone was introduced to soil and I don't have any probs.Back off on nutes or just use plain water for a while.


Well-Known Member
your not understanding me man..



i just noticed that one of the other plants has like red veins in its branch... Whats this mean??


Well-Known Member
it could be stress do to lack of nutes or it could be just cool temps at night. not that big of a concern. some of my fan leaf branches turn completely purple.


Well-Known Member
what about this...

What if i watered them next with nutes? See if that does anything...

Bad idea? Good idea??

Thanks guys for keepin up with this thread