Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants


Well-Known Member
Update bud time. I will walk you around the plants with a 2 liter Coke bottle. Buds are packing on some weight now. They are at 6 weeks now. Enjoy



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, that's insane. If I can give you any more rep it's coming at you for an amazing grow. Just frickin' WOW!!!


Well-Known Member
Had my first ripper attempt last night about 1am. I was on the PC doing the last update when I heard my Jack Russell do a little woof bark. For whatever reason the dogs were inside at that time. So as soon as I open my back door my alarms go off. I hear a crash over the fence and running down my neighbors fence line. I yell I will fucking kill you. I did not get a good look but the person looked like a young teen to early 20's.
20 min before this I was out in the yard dinking around. The lights in my house and TV were on. I was in and out all night long. So he gets away for I am not going to run anyone down.

So I check the fence line and see a hole in the fence. When the kid was running off he did not have anything in his hand or backpacks. I figure he needed to carry the plants in somthing. I serached the yard good and found nothing.

This was a stupid ripper for sure. All my house lights were on. You would think that they would wait. Unless they know I go to bed in the tent at 4am every night.

That being said I told nobody about my grow. The only one that may know about it are the meter reader and the yard crew that comes once a week to my neighbors house. Besides that they must have smelled it.

My alarms will set off a single beep when they are tripped. Then 30 sec. later the main alarm will sound. So the ripper heard the first beep and did not run. But when the main alarm went off and as I was coming out my door he then ran.

So they plants will come down 10 days before 8 week mark. There is way more bud than I ever thought I would have anyways. I do not want to gaurd this shit anymore. Plus my wife is totally freaking out. Threating to live in hotel until the plants are all gone. She wants to take the dogs with her for she thinks they will poisen the dogs next.

so they come down today and all this week. I am going to harvest all the tops off the plants making the plant about 8 feet tall. I will then tie the plants up like a x-mass tree. Then cut the stalk off at the bass. Then move the plants into the garage and stuff into the rafters. Then untie the plant and let it dry whole. (this way keeps me legal)

It is a shame I cannot run these out. I will never know what could be or if any leafes were ever going to turn yellow :)

It is not so bad for I was expecting this. My plants are way to big and the plastic covers makes it pretty easy to figure out if you can get into my neighbors yard.

I will keep you all updated on the harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thats a bummer atleast they didn't make off with anything. And ya cutting in a couple days would be the best thing you don't want to wake up with nothing left haha.



Well-Known Member
i can't wait to do an outdoor grow.... those things were amazing 5150, well done! sucks that someone was out trying to rip you off though, people are so selfish these days


Well-Known Member
i can't wait to do an outdoor grow.... those things were amazing 5150, well done! sucks that someone was out trying to rip you off though, people are so selfish these days
Well the good thing is the buds are pretty hard. even at 10 days before 8 weeks I will have bud to smoke for a long long time.

This does change everything though for future grows. With saftey and dealing with my wife. This ripper did more harm that you think.


Well-Known Member
I bet you scared the shit out of that ripper. Glad your alarm worked on the big rat. Have fun bringing them down.


Well-Known Member
Well the good thing is the buds are pretty hard. even at 10 days before 8 weeks I will have bud to smoke for a long long time.

This does change everything though for future grows. With saftey and dealing with my wife. This ripper did more harm that you think.
I feel you 100%, it gets you thinking about everything and you start raising a lot of "what if" questions and it turns into conflict of interests... it was a great grow though and hopefully you can find a way to grow again in the future! :peace:


Well-Known Member
You'll be very happy with the smoke your gonna get from those. Great job!

All is not lost with the next grow. You learned a lot this time!

You can figure out a better, safer set-up. Don't let him beat you. The best revenge is living well!



Well-Known Member
Fuck that douche bag that tried
ripping you off...

It was great grow 5150.

Will be waiting on harvest weights and smoke reports.

Is it just my computer, or are no pictures showing up?


Well-Known Member
You did a great job this year, bummer that there are lazy ass dicks every where. It's best that you harvest your crop now cause that dick will most certainly tell someone else. Peace to you..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Also looking into a puppy German Shepperd. Going to spend the money to train this one to gaurd. The dogs I have now are great. But they are big ol lovers that have always slept inside with us. So a true junk yard gaurd dog is just not in there blood at night. This is going to change soon. I will name him Hitler or Ripper. Not sure yet.