Outdoor 2010 Monster grow attempt

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
The ladies are going to pull through, but they will be recovering for awhile. Most of them show serious damage to the tops and larger leaves, but not so much to the inner leaves.

This is one of the ponds. They have a few fish that have been living in there for a year.

There is one Blue Dream that is pulling out slowly.

The Blue Diesel looks to being doing just fine, a little droopy, but in good spirirts. I will be cloning this one in a few weeks.

The last picture is the worst looking of them. This is an Ice.

Im going to be putting out a few more plants tommorow...and im using the netting this time.:blsmoke:

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I put out 3 white diesel, 1 Ice, and 2 Bannana OG. The net is up for the new ladies, but the older ones are still sitting out in the open. 2 Blue dreams, and 1 Blue Diesel are doing fine with little to no loss. The other 5 lost about 50% of the growth, but are pulling out. And one of the Blue Dreams got replaced by an Ice.
In about 4 days I will pull back the cover a bit, and the next day I will remove the cover. I want them hardened in a week.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
So I dont have any pics because the charger for my camera is lost from my trip up north...not good. The new ladies are doing so so. The Bannana OGs are looking limp, the Ice is looking about the same, the 3 White Diesel are looking perfect and pirky. So the blue and white diesels are at the top of the class.
everyone has their opinion on veging their babies before putting them outside but i would recomend putting them out as good rooted clones because it lessens the likely hood of shock and possibility of dwarfing. your plants could be a lot bigger if you jsut set them under your patio instead of under an artificial light. i veged some out for a month and a half and put them out the same time as i had young good rooted clones and they got so much bigger than the ones i was veging inddoors for so long. just try it next time and i am pretty sure you wont ever pre veg indoors again.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
well pre vegging indoors is a neccesity when you live in an area with frost before May. All these plants had good roots, this grow site has sun light from morning to night. If you live in a harsh area like me, hardening your plants is a must.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I took some pics but they are on my camera's memory and not the memory card. They are looking okay, i got my irrigation line run to each plant now. I will be putting some water timers on the line in the next couple days. I want this to be a self sufficient setup, with a nutrient feeding twice a week by hand.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you a better pot than a drum by far...use 60" kiddie pools. wide and shallow is better than deep and skinny. Pot plants roots don't naturally run deep, they go out.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Things are looking good. I started using the tea yesterday.

Close to far-J1, Blue Diesel, Blue Dream

You can see 2 that got hit hard, the rest pulled through nicely

Sorry its sideways, this is a Blue Dream


Active Member
Hey man nice grow, How many hours of light were they getting indoors?? I have 2 Grand daddy clones i am going to put outside but I'm wondering how long i should keep them inside and how many hours of light they should get, If i keep them on 24 for a week and then put them outside are they gonna flower on me...

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
These are the candidates for monster growth. I have another Blue Dream the same size as these. The rest are doing good, and the Romulan will be out there after getting hardened off at my house.
Blue Dream
Blue Diesel
Banana OG

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Blue Dream
White Diesel
Banana OG
Ice with a Blue Dream in the back
Ran out of Tea mix, so its all Heavy 16 now. Put 3 Romulan and 1 PPP in the garden.


looks good bro!! I'm only running 5 this year, but they are all about the same size as yours right now.... hoping for a good christmas :) ..... +rep on your avatar too ;)

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
right back at ya on the avatar. Im happy with the grow this year, but im not sure if direct sun light (all day) is good around my area. Been 100+ here for weeks now.


New Member
dam bro you got all your shit planned out and set up huh great job wish u the best of luck hope nothing bad happens


right back at ya on the avatar. Im happy with the grow this year, but im not sure if direct sun light (all day) is good around my area. Been 100+ here for weeks now.
keep em watered in the early morn/late afternoons and they should be fine bro..... I'm down in south louisiana, so high heat and humidity is nothing I've never dealt with. Just try to keep them dry if you have mid-day storms like we get here.