Outdoor Adventures with Green Gelato and friends

I guess for growing in the desert, it's basically piss poor. Ya might have done a little better if you took the root system out of the soda pop containers. Get some holes dug in a natural wash. Fill with good soil.. Boom. I've seen guys do that in an hot/airy, climate. JM2C.
I guess for growing in the desert, it's basically piss poor. Ya might have done a little better if you took the root system out of the soda pop containers. Get some holes dug in a natural wash. Fill with good soil.. Boom. I've seen guys do that in an hot/airy, climate. JM2C.

Can't move them into darkness if they were in the ground. The budding plants are hand moved daily for 12/12. The end and of year gardens roots are open to the ground. 2 liters were still used but in mothers and end of years the bottom half of the 2 liters was removed so the 2 liters basically acts as a funnel for watering. Keeping the water draining down into the roots instead of getting sucked away.by the dry earth. Below end of year plants are only a few weeks in the ground with 2 liters acting as moisture barrier and funnel to lower roots.

Some Moms waiting to bud. Again 2 liters with bottoms cut for moisture barrier and funnel to lower rootsIMG_20200807_112531.jpgIMG_20200807_112556.jpgIMG_20200807_112549.jpg
2 liters barrier and no barrier put in ground same time. No barrier cannot keep moisture as it's wicked away too fast.


How much of end of year 2 liters were removed for barrier and funnel to deep roots.

It's maybe rained for 15 mins all spring/summer. Temp is back to tripple digits. At least just grasshoppers and not locusts now.
Some green Gelato. Still in stretch. Everything else has started budding except green Gelato. 2 liter of dew for size comparison

SidV ~V~ Mountain lion

Mountain lion: 2
SidV: 1

Mountain lion has eaten 2 chickens.

Infused piece of chicken with 2 oz. Watched mountain lion fall over and stagger his ass out of my yard this morning.
Tonight when the mt lion comes back for more of my chickens I'll be turning off the electric fence and letting my 5 dogs play with the kitty cat. Keeps killing my livestock
Mt. Lion has not came closer than our property edge after it ate the infused chicken. Hopefully at this point he just keeps away
Decarbed 2oz, made wax. Cut boneless breast in half and put wax inside and baked to get goodies inside meat. Took 2oz bi product and soaked with all chicken breast juices. Nothing I'd eat but it didn't care. And seems to have done the trick.
So we have had 4 days of hell here. Frost for 2 days and then 2 nights of around 22f (so frost and sub freeze).

Plants eventually took a hit even with covering. 2 nights of sub freeze temp was a bit much. 30 days to go so so a little time to recover.

Post pics in a few days as current connect is too slow to finish 1 pic upload.
An update on the plants that were hand moved daily for 12/12.

Around 4.5lb dried. Very smooth as no nutes were used and almost all chlorophyll was used up by end of budding. Taste and smell are almost non existent even after curing.
Rofl, you committed 2 ozs of bud to troll a mountain lion that kept coming onto your land? Man, I hope some day I have 2 zips to throw at something like that. Laughing my ass off over here, that's hilarious. Damn cat is probably _still_ stoned.
Plants are recovering decently . Again I say decently. Have tried multiple times but just don't have the speed to upload pics at the moment. Plants are miraculously going good even though there is a snap freeze every morning. ( Water supply has top thin ice layer every morning). Green Gelato is finally putting on size. Dominican skunk and lime pop have began to swell. Personal strain is also beginning to swell and take on red color due to low nihhtime temps. Should be a very colorful year.
Frost and freezes every other day. Looking HORRIBLE. Green Gelato slowly starting to chunk. lime pop and Dominican skunk should be done in a week or so.

Next 4 days frost and sub freeze. For going to be painful
