Outdoor auto berry, auto dark devil & auto big bomb

Im going to create a thread. This is my first post on here and also my first auto flower grow. Im using pro mix for growing medium. Bush dr "kelp me kelp you" for veg nute. Ph 6.5. When it rains i bring them inside under about 6 daylight 60w cfls. They are 5 weeks old. I will be gettibg calmg+ and hydrodynamixs "ionic bloom" and beastie blooms this week for its first flowering feed. I had light burn a couple weeks ago during vacation. And also a little cal mag trouble. Money is tight so i only treated the calmag issue with dolomite lime and epsom salt. Any opinions are greatly appreciated. Have a nice day... Enjoy
20160630_171748.jpg 20160630_171736_Burst01.jpg 20160630_171748.jpg 20160630_171736_Burst01.jpg Message_1467321967453.jpg 20160708_232513.jpg 20160708_232501.jpg 20160708_232449.jpg 20160711_060907.jpg 20160714_221235.jpg 20160714_221243.jpg 20160714_221248.jpg
Thise were first week or so. These are when i returned from vacation to find alot of growth but also light burn. I treated with a good feed and superthrive.


20160806_102434.jpg dark devil... I assume its stretchy cause of lots of bad weatheras babies and brought inside and my house is cold so a good 15 to 20 degree diff in temp drop several times 20160806_102447_Burst01.jpg
20160806_102553.jpg 20160806_103009.jpg 20160806_103306.jpg 20160806_103408.jpg All my girls at 36 days old. Gave a light flower feed with cal mag last night for the1st time only cause when i mixed my veg nute"kelp me kelp you" withthe solution it dropped my ph to below 4. So i got to go get some ph up today. Will it be be fine to feed with a fu blendof nutes tomorrow once im able to raise ph?? Or just wait a week? Im big on less is more just let me now. If not im sure ill be fine anyway. Take care my fellow skunkers. Also here are my options as far as next grow strains. Any suggestions??? The black baggie is gorrila glue and the tube is auto dark devil. And alsso my nutes. Bye yall
No need to feed? My concern isn't necessarily what to feed. All due respect I totally appreciate your opinion. I was just wondering if these autoflowers should be further along in flowering at day 36. When transitioning over to flowering you're supposed to put half your usual vegetative nutrients and have your Bloom nutrients. And I only put half dose of cal mag also to prevent future deficiencies like I have in the past. I'm inexperienced to grow just not an auto flowers. So what to feed in what ratio isn't necessarily my concern. I'm just wanting to know if the stress from light burn and deficiencies while I was on vacation has affected my flowering at all. So in other words do they look good to be 36 days old or are they
So I snapped my auto berry today trying to LST. Broke the main trunk about 3 inches from the soil... I taped it up, staked it for support and fed it super thrive in water about 6.3. The leafs look healthy and happy and stretching for the sun... but I bet I stressed it... passes me off. I know I won't get a response on here but just using this as my journal I guess... cause I must admit that thus far this Web site sucks as far as help and response. Lol


Well-Known Member
So I snapped my auto berry today trying to LST. Broke the main trunk about 3 inches from the soil... I taped it up, staked it for support and fed it super thrive in water about 6.3. The leafs look healthy and happy and stretching for the sun... but I bet I stressed it... passes me off. I know I won't get a response on here but just using this as my journal I guess... cause I must admit that thus far this Web site sucks as far as help and response. Lol
after answering the same questions over and over it gets old. Especially when you know that info can be found on the first page of forums, or stickies(even worse)
Well join the crowd and stfu and dont respond lol. I use this mainly as a grow journal. Technicality i dont NEED you cause ilk learn thru trial and error like i have for a long time. But i loce what i do and help anytime i can. And am kike a sponge to any new knowledge. Ya i could read for hours and find whatod idea of what the the answer to my problems are. But isnt this what a forum is for?? I got kids a job and shit. I dint got time to research. I simply ask. If i dont get a answer then fine....ill learn thru experience. If that ruffles your feathers u can suck this good ol Kuntry sausage lol


Well-Known Member
Well join the crowd and stfu and dont respond lol. I use this mainly as a grow journal. Technicality i dont NEED you cause ilk learn thru trial and error like i have for a long time. But i loce what i do and help anytime i can. And am kike a sponge to any new knowledge. Ya i could read for hours and find whatod idea of what the the answer to my problems are. But isnt this what a forum is for?? I got kids a job and shit. I dint got time to research. I simply ask. If i dont get a answer then fine....ill learn thru experience. If that ruffles your feathers u can suck this good ol Kuntry sausage lol
Ask a question here u will get a bunch of different answers, most from shit heads who are regurgitating something they read, or worse there's the ones who copy and paste a whole page from another site about a particular subject. Besides this site sucks as far as help and response remember so why bother asking,