Outdoor Autos

Coast of Maine Stonington blend Lobster kelp dry fert. And I use the general purpose and flower bloom. If you can read your plant? You can really push the Sea Grow.
That coast of mine stonington blend is a super soil. I thought u don't need to add any fertiliser if it's a supersoil.
I guess u only add a lil bit mid veg and start of flower
That coast of mine stonington blend is a super soil. I thought u don't need to add any fertiliser if it's a supersoil.
I guess u only add a lil bit mid veg and start of flower
Coast of maine lobster kelp fert. It is late here. Catch me tomorrow and I'll share my mixes and results. Peace.
Jacks and calcium nitrate if you're not going organic. 2 parts easy as can be. If you do organic the Earth Juice Grow and Bloom. Nothing fancy except for the results.
Neighbor was a very successful breeder of autos for a couple of seed sellers. Went to work for the government so no more. His method uses 5 gallon buckets. Perlite on the bottom and Pro Mix over about 8”. Jobes Organic fertilizer spike in it. Second layer like the first and a second Jobes spike. He grew for seed and not for weed. But he grew some huge autos outdoors.
Neighbor was a very successful breeder of autos for a couple of seed sellers. Went to work for the government so no more. His method uses 5 gallon buckets. Perlite on the bottom and Pro Mix over about 8”. Jobes Organic fertilizer spike in it. Second layer like the first and a second Jobes spike. He grew for seed and not for weed. But he grew some huge autos outdoors.
Maaaaadddddddd. Have to see if I can try that
Neighbor was a very successful breeder of autos for a couple of seed sellers. Went to work for the government so no more. His method uses 5 gallon buckets. Perlite on the bottom and Pro Mix over about 8”. Jobes Organic fertilizer spike in it. Second layer like the first and a second Jobes spike. He grew for seed and not for weed. But he grew some huge autos outdoors.
Where is this? Which country.
Okok. I use fabric pots. This run I used 16 litre. My last run was in a 23litre

What would be better, growing autos outdoors or photoperiods outdoors with induced flower?
Both using the same nutes n shit.
Any strain that r good for outdoor grow?
Uk weather
The spring solstice is soon so I wanna start popping seeds soon.
Also, any sites where I can get cheap quality seeds too.
i know this is probably a stupid question, but do autos still automatically bud when grown outside or do you have to change the hours of sunlight they get by covering them up/some other way?

edit: also didn't mean to hijack thread just figured was a good thread to ask in
It is strain dependent. I have had a couple of autos that did really well in miracle grow potting soil. I have some now going that I did a mix with basic topsoil, coco, vermiculate, and then a little miracle grow potting soil because i'm pretty sure the top soil does not have a lot of nutrients in it. Only one plant has mild nute burn from what looks like too much Nitrogen. Once I get back from my trip this weekend i'm going to hit them with some bloom nutes, and then occasionally use the Fox Farm big bloom plant feed depending on how they take the fertilizer. I like using the big bloom feed because it adds just a fuzz of nutrients without going overkill.
Some strains are very sensitive to nutrients some suck them all up and want more. each is different and if you aren't familiar with them it is best to go with something proven. I usually use a mix of Fox Farms, half coco loco and half happy frog on a new auto strain. My experience with the ocean forest is that it is hot and I get nute burn.
I am by no means any expert. My friends really do prefer my herb though so I am pretty sure that the Fox Farm soil is a big reason why i've had success.