Outdoor Bucket Grow!


Active Member
Hows it go fellow rollers :joint:
I currently have several plants in 6 different cups
Each cup has 2 plants and one or two cups has 3. The plants are about 6" in height.
I have already weeded out the males :twisted: so no worries their
But i was wondering weather 5 gallon buckets where suitable or big enough to fit two plants in each?
I have not moved them outside yet due to the fact i do not know how big of a pot i should put them in.
If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
also any soils that work better than others?


Well-Known Member
you can use any size pot from 1 gallon to 25 gallon but a 5 gallon would be great,but i recomend putting each plant in there own bucket so they dont have to fight each other for room.alot of peaple love the fox farm soils but you can also make your own.just use 50%moss,25% perlite,then add some bat guano,worm castings,bone/blood meal or whatever you want to use.alot of peaple like to use lime in there soils to keep the ph in check


Well-Known Member
Also if your home depot or lowes carries Kellogg's outdoor patio plus potting soil it's the same thing as FF ocean forest for WAYY cheaper. I use 5 gal pots, but if you can afford bigger pots and the soil to go with it you can make some real monsters going with 20gal pots. Is in ground an option? GL dude


Active Member
In Ground is an option, but i wanna keep it in buckets just in case i have to move them
and Home depot is local so ima check it out thanks bro
is their any problem with transplanting into the ground mid summer?


Well-Known Member
In Ground is an option, but i wanna keep it in buckets just in case i have to move them
and Home depot is local so ima check it out thanks bro
is their any problem with transplanting into the ground mid summer?
you want to transfer atleast a couple weeks before flower so that way it can heal from any shock and put out some new roots into the ground

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
These plants were started in 16 oz stadium cups and transplanted to 5 gallon buckets. They are just over 6 weeks old total.

I drilled 10 or so holes in the bottom, and put a layer of gravel in the bottom of the bucket to help with drainage.



Well-Known Member
im useeing kitty litter buckets inside i dont know what size they are but they look loke they can take two plants from the rectanguler opening

good luck
1 love


Active Member
These plants were started in 16 oz stadium cups and transplanted to 5 gallon buckets. They are just over 6 weeks old total.

I drilled 10 or so holes in the bottom, and put a layer of gravel in the bottom of the bucket to help with drainage.
Nice goin bro lookin healthy you in canada?