Outdoor budding question


Well-Known Member
So... i have a few plants outside, and they are getting huge, at this point, the big one is about 6 feet tall and am concerned that i see very little flowering and a LOT of vegetative growth still

the grow is here:

So the question is this, can i move the plant to a less sunny area to promote flowering? or does it just need as much sun as it can get, and the time it needs(?) I did notice the lower 4 branches are starting to bud nicely (dime sized or so), but the top isnt, just 1 set of fatty calxy´s where the nugs start, at every internode (maybe cuz its getting so much more light?). Can the top and bottom of a plant be in 2 different stages? (eek!)

the winter here in argentina is coming (seasons reversed with the US), and im worried its gonna switch too fast, been kinda a warm fall so far.

also, moving inside is an option, but a costly one, and id have to trim it a good amount to make it fit anywhere. not something i really want to do
How many hours of daylight per 24 is she getting?
Perhaps there is too much nitrogen in the soil.
The principles are the same in both hemispheres, cannabis plants will *always flower in their entirety based upon amount of daylight hours. Your available natural sunlight hours are well below 12/12 at this time, and therefore anything outside or even indoors on your current sunlight schedule will flower.
The principles are the same in both hemispheres, cannabis plants will *always flower in their entirety based upon amount of daylight hours. Your available natural sunlight hours are well below 12/12 at this time, and therefore anything outside or even indoors on your current sunlight schedule will flower.

thats kinda what im thinking too.

I had them towards the SW where they get lots of sun all day. i just moved them to the SE corner, where they should get only morning sun.

im not sure what to call hours of light. internet says 11 hours now between sunrise and sunset, and they were probably getting 9 of that as direct sun.

in the shade, it should lower to 7 hours or so, which seems short to me
Even in the shade they'd get indirect sun, so that wouldn't affect flowering, but could affect yield and potency. Your days are short enough, give them as much direct sun as possible.

If your daylight hours were longer, the indirect light in the shade would be enough to keep them vegging, they need x amount of TOTAL darkness to stimulate flowering. Just leave em and have patience, some strains can take up to three months to be ready
Even in the shade they'd get indirect sun, so that wouldn't affect flowering, but could affect yield and potency. Your days are short enough, give them as much direct sun as possible.

If your daylight hours were longer, the indirect light in the shade would be enough to keep them vegging, they need x amount of TOTAL darkness to stimulate flowering. Just leave em and have patience, some strains can take up to three months to be ready

well thats shitty. yea i was expecting 2-3 more months anyways, but thats at full flowering, im concerned its gonna be longer
Patience is key for a great grow.... Do you know which week of flower are they in? Thats crucial cause there are equatorial sativas that can flower for up to 20+weeks. Also too much nitrogen can cause a lack of flower formation. A tale tale sign for this is a dark green coloring in the plant and excessive foliage. Now as far as how muchsunight youre gettin, you should always try to get as much sun as possible thats how you get the most yield. Do you know which strain youre growing? My guess is that its a long flowering sativa/sat dom strain. GL
You might be 2 - 3 months out or close still. sativa or Indica ? Oh and I agree, don't take the sun away from them. A lot happens in three months . That's twelve weeks of flowering.
ok ok! ill move them back to full sun.

i have 3, 1 is sativa (green crack), another hybrid (black jack x ak47 hybrid, another indica (cheese hybrid).

how old are they, well the green crack and black jack are both well into month 4 id say. the cheese is about a month and a half (and is already about 3feet.) they started showing signs of sex a long time ago, id say back in january or so, and i removed the males, and left the females outside. they have just been growing, with big prominent calyx´s, fatty, swollen, and tasty looking, but very light on the flowering otherwise, im guessing with the warmer weather lately, they have figured they still have time.

im just concerned that the hybrid is at 6 feet already, growing at 2 inches or so a day, and is enormous. inside, id have topped it several times, and shaped it to fit the area. Figured outside id let it do whatever it wanted and its just a fat fucking christmas tree looking thing.

I guess we will see, the weather here should start turning soon, at least to cloudy days, and maybe then they will realize winter is coming.

i doubt its N overdose. the green crack was a little heavy on N but that was remedied with a day or so. the other 2 are doing great. perhaps ill boost the PK,. and micro nutes a bit,