Outdoor bugs?

So will they hurt anything what can a guy do? Or just let them do there thing? He said he had some last year as well.
Absolutely need to get rid of them. There's many products you can buy that will kill aphids. I don't recommend using any product on buds though. I know a couple people that just spray their plants down with a garden hose a couple times to get rid of them. I don't have any experience with that method
Aphids are easy compared to some things. Use the search function for aphids. Multiple different products can be used. Follow the label correctly and do a follow up application according to the label. Be careful what you spray during the heat of the day. Mornings or late afternoons are best for something oil based. Some things can burn mid day.
Find the anthill that is bringing them to the plant and kill, kill, kill, kill! And do it now! Aphids use ants for protection and the ants harvest their excrement for food. They will drain the plant of energy. And the honeydew (the excrement) also attracts other nasty things like powdery mildew and bud rot. Lady bugs or green lacewing larvae help but the ants overwhelm them by bringing even more aphids! Ugh, I really hate those things.

You can smash them rinse them off or fight them with any number of pesticides. It also helps to make sure the only method of getting on to the plant is up the main stalks. Then spread a sticky substance like vaseline around (a few inches in height) the circumference of the stalk. The ants cant crawl through the vaseline so they cant bring in new aphids or take care of the ones already there. Making a thick ring of diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant helps keep them and other nasty little crawlers from getting to the plant to do, that voodoo, that they do sooooo well!
Good luck friend!