outdoor drying?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever dried outdoors? What are the requirements, tell me what im missing or what is oversight.

1) Air Ventillation (ie central air)
2) Roof (with over hang incase of rain)
3) Vapour Barrier
4) Temperature Above 0 celsius
5) enough room for the buds to breath

So that is what im thinking. I'd use playwood, some 2X18's, screen (for the windows), possibly some vapour barrier and sunshine to conduct the heat into little "house" (the sun would not directly hit the buds).

Essentially this will be a little house with a "roof" angled top that would shelter the buds and provide a space for drying.

If anyone has done this before or has any suggestions, please respond.




Well-Known Member
Well the idea is that bugs wouldnt be able to get in. Plus, i dont think it'd be a major issue over a couple of days.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
in jamaica its four posts supporting a roof and the plants are hung up under the roof space to dry. no walls so the air moves right threw. do get my drift man , some plants are put out in full sun for a few hours to help speed the drying process. as long as its natural there no damage to potentcy or taste.