outdoor flowering , losing leaves fast!


Well-Known Member
so these are mostly nevilles hazes they are planted in sandy loam with cow shit ,dynamic lifter blood bone, dolomite lime in big holes
the ground is quite wet which i thought was the reason for the yellowing and dying leaves ,but now im not so sure , im thinking since i dont feed them anything all year , just the soil mix , maybe they are defficient in something ,

its probably to late to do anything about it now as il be harvesting in 6 ish (12 week flowering strain)weeks but it would be good to improve for next year
cheers in advance wise ones

Cereal box

Active Member
Looks like she could use some nitrogen. Fairly typical in flowering if no nutes are supplemented. It's too late to save the leaves that have yellowed. But, It's not too late to save the leaves that haven't turned yet. Especially if you've got another 6 weeks ahead. I would give her just a small bit of nutes that have N in it to get her through til harvest.


Well-Known Member
What Cereal said! Has happened to me and Nitrogen stopped the others from yellowing. Ofc that was before I went Organic, now I have no issues


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got some house and garden coco a +b lying around , il give them a drink , 1500ppm seems a bit extreme though as there in soil


Well-Known Member
Typical. your plants are getting close to finish.
Your fans leaves will start to yellow.
6 weeks from finish. I agree with the others. Give her some food.
If you were 3 weeks away I would let it ride, but you have time. lots of time.

Good Luck on Your Grow


I would encourage a blooming fertilizer that has a lot of nitrogen in it. That way you are not giving them too much nitrogen.