Outdoor Flowering plant help please! Leaves yellowing

This is my first post to roll it up so I should be in the noob section but I'm not exactly a noob to growing. I read lots of forums but im just not sure what exactly it is being that the change of leave color or shrivel can mean many things. My leaves are yellowing from bottom up and progressively moving upward. Slowly turning half the leave from green to yellow then dying off. I know this is a natural process at the end of flowerin but not now.

Outdoor grow in greenhouse.
25 gal pots. Ocean forest/happy frog/ perlite.
2 weeks into flowering ( outdoors)
Nutrients: earth juice sugar peak flowering component with molasses.
Water every 3 days or so depending on heat. Feed every other water.

Possible solutions... Cal mag? ( the nutrients I use don't have much)

In need of nitrogen? But we are flowering now so I don't want too much of that.

Just feed heavier with flower nutrient?

I do not ph water but was told with these organics it is not needed and with outdoor growing it sometimes gets a little tedious with the amount of water necesary to feed.

Let me know what you guys think?!


Well-Known Member
Give her some nitrogen. Best guess without pics. Make sure they are not pH locked. Many flowering nutes have zippo N. I feed some the whole time.
Ive looked at every single guide and deficiency problems. It's yellowing from the outside in and from the bottom to the top. Most leaves are turning slowly yellow while maintaining a green stem and middle making me believe it's something like a calmag problem. I ph'ed water and nutrients as well as run off and they were both fine. 7.0 and runoff was 6.5..

I know nitrogen is needed in veg.. I just don't have any nutrients to supply a little dose.. My veg food and marine cuisine are too high in nitrogen and not focused on the P and K. I know the molasses is basically only feeding the roots/soil and micros.. I think I need a product that acts as a nutrient with similar things in it but directly used as a nutrient. Dolomite lime and well as calmag is two products I've seen. What do you think now?

Btw how the hell so I post pics lol


Well-Known Member
This is my first post to roll it up so I should be in the noob section but I'm not exactly a noob to growing. I read lots of forums but im just not sure what exactly it is being that the change of leave color or shrivel can mean many things. My leaves are yellowing from bottom up and progressively moving upward. Slowly turning half the leave from green to yellow then dying off. I know this is a natural process at the end of flowerin but not now.

Outdoor grow in greenhouse.
25 gal pots. Ocean forest/happy frog/ perlite.
2 weeks into flowering ( outdoors)
Nutrients: earth juice sugar peak flowering component with molasses.
Water every 3 days or so depending on heat. Feed every other water.

Possible solutions... Cal mag? ( the nutrients I use don't have much)

In need of nitrogen? But we are flowering now so I don't want too much of that.

Just feed heavier with flower nutrient?

I do not ph water but was told with these organics it is not needed and with outdoor growing it sometimes gets a little tedious with the amount of water necesary to feed.

Let me know what you guys think?!
Sulfur. Buy and apply per directions.


Active Member
i think you can rule out iron deficiency, that is characterised by a general yellowing of the plant on whole but starting with younger leaves - veins remaining dark green


Active Member
Dude I had a very similar problem to yours. Botannicare cal/mag plus. It is 2-0-0 with cal mag with other trace elements. Solved my problem.