Outdoor Garden: White widow, Auto Ak47 & NL, Cloud #9

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reinsurance!:)

Check them again tonite to see how shes doing. Stupid on my part. I knew i should have checked a few days ago
Meh dont be to hard on yourself buddy. Growing is a learning curve, we have all made plenty of mistakes that we regret but in the end mistakes can be the greatest teacher.


New Member
Really it wasnt a mistake though bro. I take great pride to make sure im always on top of my plants needs. I was just to lazy to go check them. But i bet 100% im sure after all the water i gave her yesterday she will be perked up today

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Well it was a mistake that you got lazy and didnt check on it lol... Because of this incident i bet you wont ever do that in the future...

Keep us posted for sure!


New Member
Update. Everything is growing and looking good again. To bad my big widow suffered some dead leaves from me not watering. Still plenty of time for her to grow back :)

White Widow #1


White Widow #2


Cloud #9 1


Cloud #9 2


Cloud #9 3



New Member
They are lookin great man. Nice and green. Stay on the watering. Shits extra dry outdoors.
Yes sir :) Going to go out every 3 days. Here in the mid west we been having a heat wave of like a heat index 110 for 2 weeks straight :( im really hoping for a good rain to help water these plants for me.

Thanks for the kind comment bro <3

I hope my big widow since it has lost alot of bottom leaves and is looking rather thin at the bottom isnt anything harmful or wont hurt the overall yield err :-?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Time everything is looking good buddy. Those Cloud 9's have been taking off!

I dont think it should effect the yield to much.. It just essentially lolipoped them... Your main colas will be HUGE because of this...


New Member
Time everything is looking good buddy. Those Cloud 9's have been taking off!

I dont think it should effect the yield to much.. It just essentially lolipoped them... Your main colas will be HUGE because of this...
Kind of thought that but was sure. Thanks for that :) Yeah they have and theres still veg time woot woot :) Thanks!!

Also soon to come : today i planted a GHS Arjans Haze #2 and G13 Labs Purple Haze :) So pics when they pop

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
My pleasure man.. Yeah those fuckers keep growing through flower to.. Your going to have quite a bit of herb my man..

Sweet... Should still be able to get some quality nugs off both of them :D


New Member
My pleasure man.. Yeah those fuckers keep growing through flower to.. Your going to have quite a bit of herb my man..

Sweet... Should still be able to get some quality nugs off both of them :D
Yeah i dont know if you noticed but i transplant my big widow into a 20gal pot yesterday :) So im hopeing for even more growth! I want at least close to 2 lbs with all my plants when im said and done.


Well-Known Member
I put a 5 gal bucket in a tree with a 1 gal per hour drip coming out of the bottom of the bucket.
That system works well for me it lasts about 18 to 24 hours. Good luck

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont know if you noticed but i transplant my big widow into a 20gal pot yesterday :) So im hopeing for even more growth! I want at least close to 2 lbs with all my plants when im said and done.
I didnt notice. But that's legit man! Those root's are going to start going crazy haha.

I think that's a reasonable estimate.. Probably get over an Elbow on just the widow.. All those other ones should produce some hefty nugs as well!


New Member
White Widow #1 Over 6 feet now. Person in the pic is 6'4"


White Widow #2 Topping has really tooken off :)


Cloud 9 #1


Cloud 9 #2


Cloud 9 #3 - even though not in a pot or dug in ground shes growing good. Looks like she could use some nitrogen though


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Looking GREAT!!! That white widow is fucking huge!

All those other ones are looking legit to man.. I bet they wills start showing pistils any day now :D


New Member
Mp dont say that bro! Im in no rush form them to flower. I want to veg till end of august but that wont happen :(

I want a monster plant. I know my big widow has plenty of pre flowers


New Member
Well i took a tape measure today to get exact measurements

Widow 1 is 6'6"
widow 2 is 2'11"
cloud 9 1 is 2'6"
cloud 9 2 is 2'6"
cloud 9 3 is 2'6"

so pretty good growth for being not very old. I should have a bountiful harvest :)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ahh dude those are going to be legit! Most plants grow a solid 1/3-1/2 more throughout the flower so im guessing the WW will probably finish close to 8-9 Feet... The other ones will probably finish close to 4 feet... Gotta say im envious! How i wish i was still growing :(

Im just saying for that for the fact that considering your location you probably want those fuckers to finish before the frost comes...


New Member
Yeah im hoping for 7 ft before flower! Wish ya was growing also:)

Yeah cold weather usually comes mid november. October is cooler but no real threats yet. So im hoping mid october.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Damn in that case, i hope shit veg's a little longer for ya... Out here we have to start worrying about frost in the middle of October.. It's a bummer.

Yeah eventually ill get growing again.. Once i move to a legal state. Hopefully that's sooner then later.