Outdoor Grow 2012: Purple Kush, Lemon Kush, Bubba Kush and Og Kush


Active Member
nice grow i subd.
question do you think rippers can see through your green screen if there right next to the fence?if they cant where did you buy this i need this bad


Well-Known Member
nice grow i subd.
question do you think rippers can see through your green screen if there right next to the fence?if they cant where did you buy this i need this bad
I got the shade cloth from home depot. And the only way you can see through it is if you are really close to it........the fence you see directly behind it is my neighbors house.......I stapled a tarp up so that they can't even peak through lol. And, I have tarps lining my entire back fence so they would have to look over and get bit in the face by my dog. Rippers won't be a problem......they won't go very far with my plants lol


Well-Known Member
Your girls look great :)

I got a huge uptick in budding after that mad rain, Fresno. I'm going to have to take some pics again! I'm wondering if my time release top dressing is going to last now. I noticed some tip burns leading me to believe that a lot of it was released during the storm. I bought some Kool Bloom (dry) and may try that in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Your girls look great :)

I got a huge uptick in budding after that mad rain, Fresno. I'm going to have to take some pics again! I'm wondering if my time release top dressing is going to last now. I noticed some tip burns leading me to believe that a lot of it was released during the storm. I bought some Kool Bloom (dry) and may try that in a couple of weeks.
I would buy the dry Kool Bloom, but I really need the money for one of my veg lights for my winter indoor/outdoor grows. And for my spring crop as well. I can't afford any more knick knacks for my ladies, even though I love spoiling them lol. I'm sure they will produce enough to hold me over until my winter crop finishes. Yeah that storm probably washed alot of the nutes from the guano down to the roots. No WONDER you saw an uptick in bud production ;) . Fed the "organic" ladies their tea last night......this morning they are REACHING for the sky. They love it. I have read somewhere that Lemon Kush love organics. Must be true lol. I am going to start brewing them up the brand name tea today that I bought from the nursery.....I will see how they like it. Might go grab some more since it is cheap($7.50 for 4 pounds I think)

And please do post up some pics of your ladies now. I want to see the comparison of bud production. I was looking at pics from 7/24 and my plants have doubled....some even TRIPLED since then. It is crazy seeing them all growed up lol.


Well-Known Member
i dont want to put tarp because then people will know somethings up
looking great
Thank you. And yeah. Maybe so, depending on your neighborhood......In my hood everybody puts up tarp to try and block the sunlight/heat from heating up their house and patio. So my tarps are nothing new around here. Also everybody has shade cloth structures in my neighborhood because it is so damn hot lol.


Well-Known Member
Sa-Weeeet! Looks like they said.... "hurry girls Daddys coming, stand nice and tall like he likes, or else :o".
Haha. Yup. They all have been loving the daily waterings.....the plants in the ground have been getting guano teas about every other day:clap:. They LOVE it. Gonna have to tie one down. Almost 6 feet tall.....and really bushy.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Wow - you are really spoiling your ladies!
Yeah I figure if I give them the best now......Come harvest, they will have put out the best they could for me. The ones in the ground are close to large trees and I have been having to pic out these little leaves because they get stuck to the buds :wall: lol. Gonna be a sticky harvest though.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol No, the sun comes right through the top and sides.......I left a gap at the bottom for ventilation purposes since it is so damn hot. My walls are shade cloth(also for ventilation purposes) and the top is 6mil plastic sheeting.
lol oh ok , Im thinking of trying a green house next year if i need it depending were im living, and looking real beastie bro keep it up.


Well-Known Member
lol oh ok , Im thinking of trying a green house next year if i need it depending were im living, and looking real beastie bro keep it up.
thanks. Yeah greenhouse grows are the best imo. It is sort of like indoor/outdoor. You can, to a certain degree, control the climate and receive the great sunlight. I might grow outdoors over winter too. Hopefully it is a dry/sunny winter. Will be perfect.


Damn bro, Nice grow for doing it in Fresno, I have a question. When did you plant your girls and(or) when did you put them outside and when do you plan on pulling them? The weather is the up most bipolar here in Fresno sadly :wall:


Well-Known Member
hey bro how do you make those guano teas and where do you get your guano from? want to try it on my plants


Well-Known Member
hey bro how do you make those guano teas and where do you get your guano from? want to try it on my plants
I was using the Bloom tea with Indonesian bat guano. But I didn't use seabird guano and alfalfa meal though.

King of the HILL Organic Guano Tea Recipe

Week 1-3 Clone/ Seedling brew
Week 4-6 Veg 1 Brew
Week 7-9 Veg 2 Brew
Week 10-14 Bloom 1 Brew
Week 15-18 Bloom 2 Brew
Water with Brew once a week. Give fresh non-chlorinated water as needed in between brew.

Clone/Seedling Brew (less than 4 weeks old):
1/2 Cup of Earth Worm Castings or Alaskan Humus or fresh compost
2 1/2 TBS Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses
1 tsp Liquid Kelp Extract
Mix in 2 1/2 gallons of (treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) water with air stone for 18-24 hours.
Make sure to strain well through cheesecloth if using airoponic rootmisting.

Once a week until roots are over 1inch. Then same mix plus 2 TBS Mycorrhizae Fungus product (Oregonism XL).

Veg 1 Brew
1 cup Earth Worm Castings or Alaskan Humus or fresh compost
1/3 cup Mexican Bat Guano (Nitrogen rich guano)
1/2 cup Alfalfa meal
5 TBS Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract
Mix in 5 gallons of (amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) water with air stone for 18-24 hours.

For soil drench application cut finished brew with fresh water(amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) 50/50.

For foliar feed application spray finished brew every 2-3 days in the first 6 hours of light. (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)

Veg 2 Brew
1 cup Earth Worm Castings or Alaskan Humus or fresh compost
1/3 cup Mexican Bat Guano (Nitrogen rich guano)
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (all around rich guano **BE CAREFUL**)
1/2 cup Alfalfa meal
5 TBS Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract
3-5 TBS Concentrated Fish emulsions
Mix in 5 gallons of (amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) water with air stone for 18-24 hours.

For soil drench application cut finished brew with fresh water(amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) 50/50.

For foliar feed application spray finished brew every 2-3 days in the first 6 hours of light. (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)

Bloom 1 Brew
1 cup Earth Worm Castings or Alaskan Humus or fresh compost
1/3 cup Jamaican Bat Guano (Phosphorus rich guano)
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (all around rich guano **BE CAREFUL**)
1/2 cup Alfalfa meal
5 TBS Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract
Mix in 5 gallons of (amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) water with air stone for 18-24 hours.

For soil drench application cut finished brew with fresh water(amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) 50/50.

For foliar feed application spray finished brew every 3-4 days in the first 6 hours of light. (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)

Bloom 2 Brew
1 cup Earth Worm Castings or Alaskan Humus or fresh compost
2/3 cup Indonesian Bat Guano (Phosphorus rich guano)
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (all around rich guano **BE CAREFUL**)
1/2 cup Alfalfa meal
5 TBS Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses
5 TBS Liquid Kelp Extract
Mix in 5 gallons of (amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) water with air stone for 18-24 hours.

For soil drench application cut finished brew with fresh water(amquell treated or non-chlorinated or fish tank) 50/50.

You can add a biological stimulator to any brew to give a jump start to the process. I LOVE OREGONISM XL by Root Organics. Follow directions on container.

FLUSHING DIRECTIONS: hahahahahahahahahahahah
Continue until the day you Harvest. Don't Panic, Its Organic!

Curing Directions:
Cut all leaves from buds, leaving only the flower.
Leave the buds on the branch.
Hang branches for 3-4 days on a line in a dark room at 70-75 degrees with average humidity (50-60rh)
Clip buds from branch and into cardboard box. Make sure they are one layer thin on the bottom of box not stacked. Leave them in the box, with the top on, for 3-4 days, giving them a good shake once a day.
Put buds in an air tight glass jar (Ikea) for 3-4 days. *** Very important to shake up and BURP(open top to release gasses) ONCE A DAY*****
After that it should be ready. If anyone tells you it will take less than 10 days to properly cure nugs, forget anything else they have ever told you.
The nugs should barely smell until you twist-break them open, then it should be DANK!

Other directions:

Brew in 5 gallon home depot bucket outside, for smell and overflow reasons. Use as many airstones as possible to bubble your brew. You can't add too much dissolved Oxygen. 18-24 hours later the Sweet molasses smell will turn to a rich earthy smell. IT IS DONE! Let sit for 20 minutes after you remove the airstones to allow sediment to settle to bottom. Pour 2.5 gallons into new bucket to 50/50 with fresh water for soil drench. Use tea with-in 6 hours of airstone removal at max. Right away is best. Rinse out bucket sludge into outside garden as soon as possible. If it dries i'll bet you a dollar you'll buy a new bucket.