Outdoor grow ...african hybrid


So i decided to have my first grow of some hybrid plants. Its an ethiopian strain i had bag seeds and thought of growing my own crop instead of purchasing since some guys just sell you buds with shakes but the shakes are alot thus making it expensive.

So my first grow started a while back (november 25th) just posting to show how things are ....


So i started the grow in small buckets cut so that it would be easier to transplant to soil later. C360_2015-11-12-06-16-04-880.jpg the seeds germinated using outdoor conditions though so i wouldnt go through the hustle of acclimatizing them later, soil was red mixed with chicken manure. C360_2015-11-12-06-16-29-745.jpg Will just post pics of the whole timeline till now...



C360_2015-11-24-20-25-01-867.jpg C360_2015-11-24-20-26-50-581.jpg C360_2015-11-24-20-24-40-517.jpg IMG_20151230_145914.jpg After over a month of vegetative, transplanted the plants ...some got burned but they all recovered after a while fed them with diluted urine , sometimes just water ..no fertilizer ,for pests , one of the plants had a snail on it and it died so we used ash on the soil and a salt perimeter near the plants' base, there were also a few bugs around which acted as predators. Soil used in transplant was same still mixed with chicken manure...so here is the grow


Well-Known Member
Is this just a bit of a grow journal for you? Doesn't seem like there are any questions and everything looks likes its going good for you. I like the salt perimeter...keeps those fleshy slugs and snails at bay.


Its more of a journal ...got one question though i think theyre entering flowering not sure but i dont know how because being at 1.5° below the equator i would've expected possibly hermies or maybe stay in vegetative since here sun sets at 7 and rises at around 6.15 constantly ....

Another thing is one of the plants seems different ...that i dont get tooIMG_20160130_175610.jpg IMG_20160130_175230.jpg IMG_20160130_175817.jpg IMG_20160130_175240.jpg IMG_20160130_175610.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hi Jah, Your plants look like the soil has a good balance of nutes and color looks great.......maybe a few bugs eating the leaves but nice and healthy.


Active Member
Grow is looking steady one sativa dominant plant and the other looks to have traits of indica popping out by the way the internodes are growing. Plants look healthy, keep the slugs at bay and bugs away and all will be good! Once flowering starts lay off the nitrogen(urine) so much it will burn your flowers. At that stage increase phosphorus. So if you have access to guano use it then, first in small amounts.
Happy growing! ;)