Outdoor Grow in California

They can become as much as 20 feet tall in a season if the conditions are great, like a NorCal hillside in the full sun. The problem will be the smell.

One technique is to grow it straight up, no trimming for 5-6 feet and then pull it over along the ground. Multiple cola heads will spring up along the length.
Be very careful about which advice you take. Look for supporting information before doing anything silly.

Have you seen any flowers? If not, you need to shorten the plant's day for a week. Preferably 11 hours of light to "flip the hormonal switch" to induce flowers, ASAP. once you are sure she's a she, let her veg all summer. A long veg can yield several pounds, depending on care.

I'm at the 38th latitude. I'm seeing a few flowers on 10 week old plants, but only a few are trying to produce buds. They shoul;d return to veg by mid April, although this can vary by several weeks.
Top your plant to keep it small and bushy by taking some of the fan leaves and a few other leaves, also use Low stress training to extend it horizontaly and not grow any higher.
so how big is my plant going to get after she flowers in the fall if she get 4-5 hours of direct sunlight a day? i need to know the generalization so i can make a decision to flower now by bringing her inside every 12 hours or having her grow out.