Outdoor grow in northen europe


New Member
Hello to all outdoor growers!

I am thinking to start my first outdoor grow ( I know i need to hurry up and start already)
I will start 12-16 plants indoor under 2x 125w CFl with reflectors in soil and move them outdoor in the end of june. I am not sure if all the strains will to well since I live between warm and cold climate zone according to seedFinder.eu ( near baltic sea ).

I would like to grow something colorful, the strains i have been looking are:
Blue widow - from Dinafem
Blueberry - from Dutch passion
Vanilla kush - from Barneys farm
Gran daddys purple - from Unknown or legendary ( are there any other onlineshops I can get some legit GDP seeds? )
Pineapple chunk - from Barneys farm

What to you guys think of these strains for outdoor grow in a cold area? It gets cold in october and it rains quite alot in the summer.

I am planing to veg them for 3-4 indoors and then move out to the wild forest. I have been looking out some spots here they get all the sunlight there is. I need something that is forgivable since i cant visit my plants that often. I will try to go and see them as often as possible but there might be some weeks when i cant get to them. I am hopping that nature does its job and give them all sunlight and water needed. If it has not rained for more then 3-4 days and its hot outside i will go and water them myself.

What to some more experienced outdoor growers think ? Will they mature give me some bud without that much care ?

I will water them indoors with pure rain water and will not use any nutrients otherwise they will need them later on aswell right ? Or should i give them something ? To I need somekinda special soil for that grow ? I have grown only in hydroponics system before so i dont know much about growing in soil...

All the advice is welcome!

Thank you for your time!


Well-Known Member
You can't grow them outside in the winter in Northern Europe... it gets cold as f00k and your plants will end up dying, even some summernights can kill your plants because it sometimes drops to under 6 Celcius or even lower. Your plants will end up freezing to death. I would do an inside grow or just put a single plant out to test.
you can do a greenhouse in the winter but pulling in air and heating it before it enters the room will be costly compared to a simple summer setup..
also i dont believe any of those seeds will finish before your frost.. again you would need heat. autoflowers are the big thing in europe for a reason right now im guessing that they'll keep becoming more popular as the weather patterns arent about to get better for growing.. peace.


New Member
Thanks for your advice guys! I have done some research and am right now ready to order some "auto blueberry" from dutch passion and some "Iranian OG kush" from dr. Greenthumb. Have anyone grow these before in colder climet zone ?


New Member
What fertilizer should i use for outdoor growing these 2 strains ? I am thinking of somthing that will help the plants survive without care. Any thoughts ?