Outdoor Grow in the Northeast

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
MA. resident here - and at 3 weeks from seed they stand only 3 inches tall? --- fromt he cold nights? what is going on? they are healthy looking but just arnt growing. i see some guy says 2 weeks and 8 inches tall - what is up?
Mine are they exact same. all mine are 3-4.5 in tall. been out 4 like 3 weeks from seed and its been kinda cold at nights like 48-52. 1 plant has sbeen out since april and is like 1.3 ft tall and is producing much vegetation. My Arjan took a bad hit and wasnt growing for 2 weeks but is finally producing new small foliage inbetween the 2nd true leaves. Where the fukkin sun in 617??????


Well-Known Member
We are still getting frost in Ontario, my clones have been ready for a couple of weeks now, I'm going to have to repot in larger pots too,,,


Active Member
what is a good light cycle to follow if I have 4 plants under 2 23watt cfls until they get 6-8 inches and then I will take them outside and use the coke bottle idea mentioned in this thread. I live in SE Pa.



Active Member
hey i just planted all 16 babies outdoors and some of their lower, oldest leafs are turning yellow. im assuming that this is a nitrogen defficiency and regret not mixing in worm castings with my soil.

is there any good organic fertilizer i can apply to plants that are already in the ground? if so, how?


Active Member

so i planted about 8 plants when they were about 2 1/2 weeks with only a few sets of leafs. i planted the other 8 when they were just small 3 day old sprouts. Since then the sprouts have doubled the size of the older plants who are obviously stunted.

I was wondering what the future might hold for the stunted ones. Only 6 of the older plants have not grown much. The other 2 are right alongside the size of the sprouts and just have more leaf sets.


Active Member
I got a late start planting mine in the northeast....planted them in early June. Within the first week they sprouted up to about 5 inches. How long would you guesstimate it would take from seed to harvest when living in the New York, New Jersey area? I ask because I go away to college and I am planning on making a trip back home sometime late September, early October. Do you think this is a accurate schedule?


Active Member
Listen...Im gettin fukkin frustrated n pissed idk. where i am in the New England area its gunna b pretty cloudy n parly rainy for the nextt 9 dayz... WTFFF!! Already got some shit out there for the last week n 2 dayz. Wish me luck. O yea go Celtics
Dawgs go see my Thread in the newbie Post! I'm up in NY rightnow Going thro the rain witchyou man! but overall the sun has been mostly out (for me at least) but todays has been really overcast. Tho i did see My Baby(HOPE(Girl)Fully) out there Sunbathing for a liddle bit earlier.

Oh Yeah an if FUCKIN HAILED one day... but then got Mad Hot...
but thats not normal at all.

Moral: Optimism. Happyman = HappyPlant


Active Member
Along with my prior question I have another one dealing with nutrients. I have read all of the forums for which nutrients to use and what not but my question is how will the plant do if it doesn't receive any nutrients other than that in the soil in the ground. I live in the northeast and I germinated then planted the seeds in the woods. I would be able to give my babies nutrients during veg but can't during flowering because I go back to school in August. So what does everyone suggest I do, give them nutrients during veg. and then just hope for the best in flowering. I really don't trust anyone enough to have them do it while I'm gone, and I don't want to split a harvest. So tough predicament, help!!!

Please answer as soon as possible. Help a fellow grower out.


Well-Known Member
I start outside from seeds. This year i was gunna do 4/20 but i was busy... this years start is on 4/25. Not bad, there beasts now! One is up to my ribs off the ground in a grow bag


i moved them outside on 4/25. seems like the cold nights have stunted them a bit but hopefully they'll spring up soon as it gets warmer.

i've got 10 germinating right now that i plan on keeping inside a bit longer and putting them out mid may.
I moved mine outside early May, i live northeast US. It frosted , but didnt kill them.. the frost wast heavy enough. I prefer to start my seedlings indoors under a 70w HPS light available at home deopt for $65 as a floodlight MAKE SURE YOU VENT IT GOOD and leave it at least 14 inches from your plants, not recommended for the closet as the lights are made for outdoor use where ventilation isnt a problem. Alsy you can get 3x 42w 2700k CFLS for $30. Although this spectrum is prefered for flowering, I prefer it for seedlings to be transplanted outdoor because they will make strong seedlings with thick stems. If the plantś new leaves droop dont panic it happens when its cloudy for more than 5 days. If the stem is drooping or needs to be tied, you have some light issues. If your leaves are drooping and its been mostly sunny move them to get more sun. Make sure they are drooping and not wilting. Drooping usally occurs on newly fromed leaves and branches when they reach for the sunm. Afer 5-10 hours of direct sunlight the plant shoud look healthy again. If this inst the case you may have another problem. Also you can start your plants with a 24/0 light cycle. 24 hour light will not effect the flowering of p;ants that are still seedlings, however if they are clones or fairly mature i siggest matching it to your outdoor days and nights. The first 30 days after germination is genrally safe for a 24/0 light cycle.

Starting with HPS light.
HPS light.
Notice it is in a well vented area

Seedling Under 70w HPS and 3 42w 2700k CFLS

Outdoor Drooping

Outdoor Drooping , same day propped up drooping leaves with twigs. Closer view.
A Day after this pic the leaves got sun and perked up. This pic is about 8 days old.... ill upload a new one soon.
General rule for the northeast is May 15 as last freeze in southern part, maybe 2 weeks later in Northern Maine....I wouldn't plant outside until May 15...taking a chance..