Outdoor grow journal - Start to Finish

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Getting new seeds is always really exciting. I would strongly recommend letting those tap roots get at least 1 cm long. I tracked it closely with my grow. The ones with longer tap roots sprouted and grew quicker. Keep em in those towels until they are ready. peace


Well-Known Member
Day 14 of bagseed grow

After moving her out of the direct sunlight and flushing the soil, I still cannot be sure exactly what was causing the stress. The new growths look much better while the older leaves are continuing to deteriorate. I really think its fertilizer burn. I've learned to never mix a fertilizer in the soil when these guys are still babies.

Day 1 of Afghan grow

I have good news. 5/5 seeds germinated and sprouted. I used a peat moss and soil mix with added perlite. Then I placed the seed, tap root down, about a quarter inch into the soil and lightly covered with peat moss. It took about two days to fully sprout all five seedlings.

I'm currently experimenting with my water for these guys. I found some organic, non-burning nitrogen pellets and let them soak in some water. After the water turned a yellowish tint, I began using that nitrogen water diluted with some fresh water. I've been spraying them about twice a day to keep the soil from drying out. Hopefully I'm not repeating my fertilizer mistake, but I think this should be gentle enough (Im only using pure water on my big girl).


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Well-Known Member

My bagseed plant is looking much better, but those lower leaves (as seen in the pics above) are looking even worse. Brown and drying. Should I snip those leaves off or will it fuck it up at this age? I figured it might help the new growth.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member

My bagseed plant is looking much better, but those lower leaves (as seen in the pics above) are looking even worse. Brown and drying. Should I snip those leaves off or will it fuck it up at this age? I figured it might help the new growth.
All those leaves with white spots on them will eventually die so don't get too attached to them. I cut off sick leaves when there is no green left on them whatsoever. Any green means it still has chlorophyll and is still producing energy for the plant. Just wait until they're completely dead and brown to remove them.


Well-Known Member
those plants are too young for insecticide and fertilizers....relax and keep watering no more nutes or insecticide until it developes more....there is nutes in soil to last a young plant a long time and use seashells like that one dude said or a lemonjuice/rotten eggs organic spray good luck


Well-Known Member
those plants are too young for insecticide and fertilizers....relax and keep watering no more nutes or insecticide until it developes more....there is nutes in soil to last a young plant a long time and use seashells like that one dude said or a lemonjuice/rotten eggs organic spray good luck
Yeah, I haven't sprayed them again since I realized bugs were not the problem. I put nutes in the soil before I realized that I shouldn't have. Too late to go back on that plant, but I think I'm doing a much better job on these new sprouts.

Also, it looks like all my plants are liking the nitrogen I'm spraying on them and in the soil. Again, its organic and non-burning. Its heavily diluted as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey man your grow is looking good, its a great job that your practicing with your bagseed as you have learnt many things from experience already which your afghans will benefit from! Keep up the good work i'll be watching this grow through!


Well-Known Member
Hey man your grow is looking good, its a great job that your practicing with your bagseed as you have learnt many things from experience already which your afghans will benefit from! Keep up the good work i'll be watching this grow through!
Thanks a lot! Yeah, I was a little too eager on this first plant, but despite my mistakes, she is really doing well. Since its my first grow, I have no idea if she is stunted or right on track. I'll update soon and let others with experience let me know.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of bagseed grow

I've been monitoring this one closely. The nutrient burn claimed the two lower leaves. They fell off yesterday. The speckles on the two largest leaves now seem to be about the same, but one of the newer growth leaves started curling under (its hard to see in the pictures). I went ahead and flushed with a half gallon of ph adjusted water. Despite the setbacks, the stem in thickening up and it seems to be progessing with new growth. Because a small amount of time release ferts are already in the soil, I'm not going to add any nutes until they absolutely ask for it.

Day 5 of Afghan grow

My five Afghans are still growing beautifully, some better than others. They are in rich ph tested soil with NO fertilizers, and peat moss mixed in for soil aeration. One of them has a very dark purple stem and is growing slower than the others. I'm not sure if this is just harmless genetics or something to worry about. Probably the former. Here is the picture of Barney, the big purple sprout. The other four sprout pics are attached below.




Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Bagseed is on the mend! And the Afgan are looking really healthy! Keep it up man! The only thing i've heard about purple stems is that it could be from being too cold? So whats the temps like? I imagine its probably just genetics like you said though :)


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Bagseed is on the mend! And the Afgan are looking really healthy! Keep it up man! The only thing i've heard about purple stems is that it could be from being too cold? So whats the temps like? I imagine its probably just genetics like you said though :)
Thanks for checking back in! Yeah, Florida rarely gets cold (even in December). I can't even step outside for a minute without getting symptoms of a heat stroke. The temps have been in the 90's (mid 30's C), but its the high humidity that really gets you.


Well-Known Member
Ha yeah should have checked that lmao Yeah i can imagine the humidity. I think where i live its been averaging at 11C lmao

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
My plants started with purple stems as sprouts. The stronger plants became green and stayed that way but one of my best females still turns purple if it becomes nute-deprived or too cold (less than 60 degrees). Your bagseed is looking much better and I'm sure the Afghans will be even better!


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Your bag seed seems to have recovered very well. I dont see the curling new growth though. What kind of soil you using again? i dont remember lol :blsmoke:. Anyway, i think a small dose of fish emulsion with you next watering, as i mentioned before, would give you explosive new growth. And its non-burning.

Afghans looks great too, dont worry about purple stalk. I dont know what causes it but its poses no threat to the plants health.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the encouragement on the bagseed plant! I went back and looked at some older pics, and you're right, it looks much better. Thanks for checking in Jinmaster!

Huffy: I can't figure out where to buy the fish emulsion by itself. How does it come? I only see it sold as an additive to packaged soil. My soil is a 50/50 mixture of the rich soil from the forest (complete with worm castings and rotten vegetation) and peat moss. I also threw in a handful of perlite in each pot. I am very happy with the composition of the soil. It looks rich and is nice and fluffy, which is very important for root development.

This is interesting. On one of my babies, I saw a trail of missing chlorophyll. I looked underneath and found a tiny caterpillar. I quickly removed it and checked the other plants. Wasn't expecting a pest problem this soon!
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Well-Known Member
Haha forest, there wont be many caterpillars anymore, most are butterflies now.
For bugs get a organic spray and that will keep them away, also ladybugs are your friend, put them on your plants if you see any.


Active Member
hey u growing outside 2 so am i but am growing NL i was gonna grow Afgan tho.

mine is three moths in tho but my newly bought Top44 is properly at the same stage as ya afgan tho.

The NL is aroung 3 feet already and has started budding even tho its its only june i would post some pic to show ya but.........i don't know how ta.

is ya have any prob am happy to help out LOL


Well-Known Member
Hi Forest,
I just read through your journal and it sounds like you're on track now.
I apologize for not checking in here earlier as I personally learned the hard way about the no nutes until they are about 20 days old rule. As I understand it the seed itself has enough in it to carry a plant that far without any additives.
As for the direct sun, these babies can't usually handle the intensity of it until they're bigger and stronger. That green mosquitoe netting stuff makes a nice shade cloth if you need it.
I am jealous that you got your seeds from marijuanaseeds.nl and mine were confiscated in the mail. Pissed me off too that they never responded to my emails and I just got burned:fire:. I was supposed to have gotten 10 THC Bomb and 5 free Thai Stick seeds. OK enough whining.......:peace:
Good luck and if I can help don't be afraid to ask.:mrgreen: