Outdoor grow Northern Quebec 2020

Bad luck struck this evening as one of my autoflower seedling was broken in half by what i suspect to be a mice. I immediately taped it back together and put a dome over it. I think i caught it early enough there might be some hope this is my only cheese auto plant i have IMG_20200614_194044.jpg
Transplanted my big bud plant in a 17 gallon container instead of 6 gallon
Main stem snapped at the base so i tapped it back together.
it's getting pretty big it seems like my plant loves my homemade compost and cow manure
Transplanted two big bud plants in a spot i found. Top dressed my Northern lights with some compost and hen manure and i also cut some brush around my grow area so they will get more sun. They are definitely starting to grow now
My big bud plant is growing very fast. Is the stretch as bad outdoors as indoor? if yes i might have a big problem. I will need to find a way to tie it up properly. shes only in a 17 Gallon pot
Any chance that beast dropped a root out the drain hole to feed on that compost bin beside it? It’s a sign, lol. Probably won’t help much with the overall size though! Maybe tie some silk flowers to the tops?