Outdoor Grow Nutrient Help


Well-Known Member
here Bro, let me save you alot of time & money... you will not beat this for organic soil nutrients. look at the ingredients list!!! can you say "All Inclusive?"http://www.organicdynamics.com/images/SuperBloomLabel.jpg

you will not beat this, dollar for dollar it blows the wheels off the Advanced line & Advanced IS NOT organic. EDTA city... weak.

add a little of this & you're winning...

Ron carries the SeaSpray so you can save on shipping. NON CORPORATE!!! family owned business selling responsibly sourced, American made nutrients.

no pH adjusting needed. use this stuff to brew your Aerated Teas with & you can't fuck it up; you just can't! only thing i add is Hygrozyme to make it all super available & a lil extra unsulfured molasses for the micro life. you will be stoked!


Well-Known Member
With the exception of the castings and ash I would use none of the others outdoors unless you can fence them in. All those smells will draw critters and critters dig up plants to see what smells so good underneath them... Osmocote is not organic but does a dandy job of growing plants outdoors...
yea i used blood meal once couple years back and when i returned couple days later they were dug up i was so pissed
i try to stay away from wire i feel it makes them more visible from wandering people and helicopters seems like it develops a ring around your patch
which i feel would be very visible from above nowadays i use a product called liquid fence not sure what's in it but seriously smells just like shit but works great


Well-Known Member
:weed:View attachment 1566782View attachment 1566781View attachment 1566780what about round-up ready corn. im in the corn belt too.... here is some of my girls 4wks 3 days. 1 white widow,3 critical mass:hump:
them look nice bro im so jealous im months away from harvest right now im vegging with some cfl's
though i am debating on keeping one inside when i move them all out to flower under some cfl's
dont think i could do a hps in closet with out heat issue's wife wont let me cut any holes so im stuck on cfl's

and what do you mean by round up ready corn...never heard the term im not really in corn belt sorta foothills of some mountains on the river though and farmers grow the hell outta river beds with field corn


Well-Known Member
i had my plants dug up alot. i found that if you wait tell natural plants start grow and theres a food supply they dont get dug up. and i had a time where i planted this place 3 times in 2 weeks and had them dug every time. so i put a game trail cam. there it was squirrels eating the peat moss starter plugs. i like blood bone feather fish it all good stuff.


corn that has genetics in it to resist glyphosate (round-up).Round-up the weed killer.and this type of corn can survive the round-up.round-up kills about everything right! if wife will let ya bud 1 out aint gonna hurt . may have to hide it eh? mine is hid. i got a basement and 2 kids left in the house.lol.couple more yrs.>>>>evil laugh<<<<<.


Well-Known Member
goin go with the palm bunch ash how early should i apply it should i wait for bud to come on or use it in beggining,i have already ordered it


Well-Known Member
Dude screw all this noise, go too amazon n order technafloras recipe for success starter kit. Has feed chart in it n everything your plants need start too finish. Works in soil and hydro. I grow guerrilla style too. I use 5 gal smart pots or in ground. These pics are all in smart pots n I pulled just under 9oz off my biggest n lil over 4.5oz on smallest. I don't worry about ph so much. I tested my water that comes from out spring house once with the paper strips u dip in the water n match the colors too the chart on the bottle. Can get them at lowes n stuff.image.jpg image.jpgimage.jpg Proof.


Active Member
I like advanced iguana grow and bloom, They are organic and mild, don't burn even at full strength.
Calmag is essential for keeping things healthy and green, especially of you use RO or distilled water. A good quality organic calmag is Humbolts Equillibrium. Its a little more expensive, but all organic. Humbolt honey es is a good organic carb, sweetner. Finally Nirvana is a good organic bloom booster. I get at least 3-3.5 per plant with this stuff.
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