outdoor grow troubles


Hey whats up RIO,
So my plant. Been in the ground a total of 14 weeks. currently 2 weeks flowering. As of last week I noticed in particular one branch with the leaves starting to curl like a taco. And starting to yellow, I was conCerned but people told me it's fine not to worry etc etc,

Today I've gone out and seen that same branch now has even more curling. Yellowing and tips of leaves turning brown. Well intact whole leaves are. I was thinking possibly a mag deficiencie
Watchable guys think?
She's had hardly any nutes through out the grow so very much doubt its over nutes.
However I started giving molasses last week..

Also on the second branch next to it, one of the side branches has got a white powder starting to form.. Is this mold? Best to cut of the infected area?

all help much appreciated,

P's I tried using the stickies but pics not working for me



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pull the branch just the affected leaves. Try googling powdery mildew on cannabis.


Well-Known Member
the powdery mildew angel has paid a visit (pic5) and she will be back big time,
why you decided to grow cannabis plants outside this time of your is just dumb,
even in Florida there not enough light to complete any type of grow,
better to potup up move to a warm sheltered location inside under 2-3 cfls for at least some bud
as they is a lot wrong here, apply some cal mag should she survive the next few weeks
good luck


Not sure what your quite getting at. I've seen plenty grows do extremely well here especially this time of year, producing mega buds, me personally this is just a little experiment. Just pot a seed and watch it grow.
All I was expecting was a gram of whack bud.
But she's coming along leaps and bounds :bigjoint::bigjoint:
Had no problems all grow, till last week with the mg and mold, :cool: