outdoor grow, will street lights affect my crop?

Honestly, it didn't seem to affect anything. The flowered on time and continued to bud nicely until I had to pull early. But I am definitely with you on the living in the country for a reason. Lol
I have 2 led street lights about 70-100 feet away and only my tops are about the roof enough to get the light, my plants didn't start flowering till last week of August, and seems to effect the buds by way of more vegitation, so I think it does hamper the grow. I religiously cover my tops from the lights @7 pm and remove @7 am and seems to make a difference in less vegitation, but I do believe it helped contribute to the late flowering start
Yes they will affect your plant. I have a couple of plants I just started off by street lights so they can stay in veg longer. In Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible I read that this dude was so cheap that he stole every bulb on his street from street lights so he could grow haha. Most street lights are low wattage HPS bulbs if I'm not mistaken.
Where does it say that page reference I need a good laugh
i have had my plants outdoors from seed, the 3rd node has just formed and they are showing new growth every day, as fall approaches my plants will obviously begin to prepare for flowering/preflower, if my plants have been exposed to street lights daily through their whole life so far, will my plants refuse to flower even though they will be used to the street lights presence?
Ya probably if its lightning up your plants.