Outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Looking for some information on hiding outdoor plants and not getting caught.
All info will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
basically just plant near other shrubs and plants that will help camoflauge.

walk at least 15 minutes into the bush.... dont give your plantation any special shappes ie: lines, the snail pattern none of that it makes it easy to spot them

theres a few hints hopefully someone else wil add to this.

sorry i cant help more im in a hurry got som shit i gotta do soon


Well-Known Member
makes sense, just worried about neighbors and the man. does anyone know how the helicopters work. is it infared, or just a high resolution camera?


Well-Known Member
put 3-5 in close quarters... mover 20 - 30 meters then plant a few more,
if your growing in the back yard put sorta under a tree to hide the view from the pigs... but make sure it gets enough light during the day
dont leave bottles or things around
common sense really


Well-Known Member
i dont know how they work for sure but im fairly sure they run both... infra red for houses and the camera would be to get a close up on possible outdoor plants.

like i said i wouldnt take that as gospel tho i dont know how it all works only that sadly it does lol....

but im fairly sure thats how it would work... put it near other plants if your worried and blend it in ;).

also if out bush they generally catch most plantations cos people dont blend em in rather they clear everything and give it a pretty pattern that might as well be a big sign saying plantation here destroy me.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all of the help. it all makes sense. i have all my spots plotted out already so once the season is ready ill put them out there. im gonna make sure they are female then scatter them. i was thinking about throwing seeds in an area and leaving them alone. so they pollinate and drop seeds that way i can get a wild field.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the only way that would work is if they would hve sufficient water and the ground stay damp and not dry up really


Well-Known Member
truee, it would be nice to stumble upon a nice field one day. do you have any information about growing in swamps?

Scabey D

Active Member
i do some outdoor stuff during the summer. i climb into a topped 100 fir tree and plant 10 of em right in the middle. see tree was topped and grew 3 other tops of of that that extend about 40 feet, so theres a perfect little flat spot in the middle.. even took bark off another tree and put it around anything that didnt look like wood or was green.. been working for 4 years now..


Well-Known Member
i do some outdoor stuff during the summer. i climb into a topped 100 fir tree and plant 10 of em right in the middle. see tree was topped and grew 3 other tops of of that that extend about 40 feet, so theres a perfect little flat spot in the middle.. even took bark off another tree and put it around anything that didnt look like wood or was green.. been working for 4 years now..
thats nuts man, it must me a pain to take care of them though. im gonna scatter like 5-10 around my property and through some in my swamp and see what happens.